Читать книгу Seasons of Grace - Ann Lewin - Страница 5






Section 1. Advent to Candlemas


Eucharistic Prayer for Advent

Have you got room?

Eucharistic Prayer − the kingdom

Thinking about prayer

Material for a workshop on ways of praying

Using the Psalms

Praying with icons

Using silence

Carrying prayer around

Praying for the world

Leading intercessions

The Bible: story and ourselves

Christmas challenge

Intercessions for a Christmas Midnight Service

At the turn of the year


Eucharistic Prayer for Epiphany

The week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Candlemas – the Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Eucharistic Prayer for Candlemas

Section 2. Lent to Pentecost

Thinking about Lent

At a Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday

Eucharistic Prayer for Lent

Mothering Sunday – say it with flowers

Palm Sunday

The Stations of the Cross

Maundy Thursday

Intercessions for Maundy Thursday

Eucharistic Prayer for Maundy Thursday

Good Friday

The sacred tree – one hour

Seen by the cross − two hours

Seen by the cross − three extra sections

Prayer at the cross – three hours

Jesus on Easter Eve

A simple vigil for Easter Eve

A Reflection for Easter Eve

A story of new life for Easter Day

Intercessions for Easter Day

Eucharistic Prayer for Easter

Ascension Day

Intercessions for Ascension Day

The Ascension and mission


Intercessions for Pentecost

Eucharistic Prayer for Pentecost

Section 3. Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time

Eucharistic Prayer for daily life

Trinity Sunday

Eucharistic Prayer for Trinity

Leading a balanced life – the advantage of having a Rule

Eucharistic Prayer – St Benedict

Re-charge or re-tune

Quiet Day

Planning and leading a Quiet Day

A simple order for a Eucharist

A day to let God love you

A day with Julian of Norwich

Eucharistic Prayer – Julian of Norwich

A day for carers

Material for use in a Quiet Garden

A creation Eucharist

Eucharistic Prayer for a Quiet Garden event

Eucharistic Prayer – St Francis

Meditation for a flower festival

Planning a walk or a mini-pilgrimage

Eucharistic Prayer for city dwellers

Give us this day – Lammas Day

Prayers at a wedding

Suggestion for an introduction to a marriage service after a divorce

Prayers for the blessing of a house

Eucharistic Prayer for a house blessing

At a baptism

Eucharistic Prayer celebrating family life


St Michael and All Angels


Prayer for healing

Give thanks – always?

Remember, remember, the theme of November

Death, terminus or junction?

Remembrance Day

For thine is the kingdom

Copyright acknowledgements

Seasons of Grace

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