Читать книгу Seasons of Grace - Ann Lewin - Страница 5
Section 1. Advent to Candlemas
Eucharistic Prayer − the kingdom
Material for a workshop on ways of praying
The Bible: story and ourselves
Intercessions for a Christmas Midnight Service
Eucharistic Prayer for Epiphany
The week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Candlemas – the Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Eucharistic Prayer for Candlemas
At a Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday
Mothering Sunday – say it with flowers
Intercessions for Maundy Thursday
Eucharistic Prayer for Maundy Thursday
Seen by the cross − three extra sections
Prayer at the cross – three hours
A story of new life for Easter Day
Intercessions for Ascension Day
Eucharistic Prayer for Pentecost
Eucharistic Prayer for daily life
Eucharistic Prayer for Trinity
Leading a balanced life – the advantage of having a Rule
Eucharistic Prayer – St Benedict
Planning and leading a Quiet Day
A simple order for a Eucharist
Eucharistic Prayer – Julian of Norwich
Material for use in a Quiet Garden
Eucharistic Prayer for a Quiet Garden event
Eucharistic Prayer – St Francis
Meditation for a flower festival
Planning a walk or a mini-pilgrimage
Eucharistic Prayer for city dwellers
Suggestion for an introduction to a marriage service after a divorce
Prayers for the blessing of a house
Eucharistic Prayer for a house blessing
Eucharistic Prayer celebrating family life