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Intercessions for a Christmas Midnight Service

Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth. As we hear the angels’ song, we join them in worship, and rejoice that you have come among us, Lord God, to be with us for ever. Help us to witness to that truth in our daily lives.

Lord, in your mercy:

Hear our prayer.

Lord, you came among us as Prince of Peace. We pray for peace, especially tonight in Bethlehem and the rest of the Holy Land. We pray that people of all races and creeds throughout the world will learn to live together, respecting each other, and seeking the good of all.

Lord, in your mercy:

Hear our prayer.

Lord God, you came among us as a sign of hope. We pray for all who find hope difficult to hold onto . . . refugees, asylum seekers, political prisoners, the hungry and homeless and the unloved. We thank you for those who work to make life better for others, and we pray that we will take every opportunity to help.

Lord, in your mercy:

Hear our prayer.

Lord, you came among us as light. We pray for wisdom for all in authority, that all who have power may use it with imagination and consideration for others. We pray for world leaders, and for each other in our own areas of influence and responsibility.

Lord, in your mercy:

Hear our prayer.

Lord Christ, you came that we should have fullness of life. We thank you for the life of this city, and our local community. We pray for all who are celebrating tonight in churches, pubs, clubs and at home. We pray that all of us, wherever we are, precious to you even when we don’t respond to your love, will know your stillness at the heart of our festivities, and be touched by your redeeming love.

Lord, in your mercy:

Hear our prayer.

Lord, you came to bring healing and wholeness. We pray for all who suffer. As we give thanks for our families and friends, we pray for those for whom Christmas is difficult: those who will wake to another day of loneliness or pain; those whose celebration has been marred by the death of a loved one, or the disappearance of a member of their family.

In a moment of quiet, we bring our own needs into your healing presence.

Lord, in your mercy:

Hear our prayer.

Whatever lies ahead of us, may we always hear the echo of the angels’ song, and help others to hear it too.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Seasons of Grace

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