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Eucharistic Prayer for Epiphany

(The words at the Sanctus and at the end of the prayer come from the hymn ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord’)

Father of all blessings, we give you thanks and praise

for Jesus the Light of the world, the light that

no darkness can overpower;

we thank you that you have called us from darkness

to walk in his light;

we thank you for the insight of the Wise Men,

who by their gifts showed us

that all life is gift;

with them, and angels and archangels

and all who live in light,

we praise you, singing:

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord,

holy is the Lord God almighty, (repeat)

who was, and is, and is to come,

holy, holy, holy is the Lord.

Accept our praises now, Lord God,

as we remember Jesus,

who, on the night before he died,

took bread and wine, gave you thanks

and offered them to his friends, saying,

‘This is my body, this is my blood.

Eat and drink to remember me.’

Come freshly to us now, Lord God,

as we offer you our lives.

Renew in us your gifts:

the gold of our potential,

the incense of our prayers and aspirations,

the myrrh of healing for our pain;

feed us and nourish us,

that we may grow in the life of Christ;

fill us with your Spirit

that we may overflow with your love,

and transform the world with your glory:

Glory, glory, glory to the Lord,

glory to the Lord God almighty, (repeat)

who was, and is, and is to come,

glory, glory, glory to the Lord.

Seasons of Grace

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