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The publication of this volume has been delayed owing to war conditions, but the delay is the less to be regretted in that it has allowed the inclusion of recent work on the subject. Much of the subject-matter is of common knowledge to lichenologists, but in the co-ordination and arrangement of the facts the original papers are cited throughout. The method has somewhat burdened the pages with citations, but it is hoped that, as a book of reference, its value has been enhanced thereby. The Glossary includes terms used in lichenology, or those with a special lichenological meaning. The Bibliography refers only to works consulted in the preparation of this volume. To save space, etc., the titles of books and papers quoted in the text are generally translated and curtailed: full citations will be found in the Bibliography. Subject-matter has been omitted from the index: references of importance will be found in the Table of Contents or in the Glossary.
I would record my thanks to those who have generously helped me during the preparation of the volume: to Lady Muriel Percy for taking notes of spore production, and to Dr Cavers for the loan of reprints. Prof. Potter and Dr Somerville Hastings placed at my disposal their photographs of the living plants. Free use has been made of published text-figures which are duly acknowledged.
I have throughout had the inestimable advantage of being able to consult freely the library and herbarium of the British Museum, and have thus been able to verify references to plants as well as to literature. A special debt of gratitude is due to my colleagues Mr Gepp and Mr Ramsbottom for their unfailing assistance and advice.
A. L. S.
London, February, 1920