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Face Memory.


21. Have you “a bad memory for faces”? If you have, make a point to-morrow of looking at each person to whom you speak. In men, notice whether they are clean-shaven, or moustached or bearded. Notice the shape of the chin, the form of the nose, whether the lips are thin or thick, whether the mouth is wide or narrow. Notice the colour of the hair, the height of the forehead, the colour of the eyes. If your “memory for faces” is very faulty, take one of these details alone for a few days, noticing only noses, or eyes, or hair. Then after a few days, notice two facial details. As you progress, endeavour to obtain not only a record of details but also the general key to the individual expression of each face. Where two faces bear a resemblance try to discover the points of difference. In subsequent Lessons, we shall set you further exercises for training your sense of sight.

22. To train your sense of hearing, try to recognise your friends by their voices or their footsteps when they are within hearing, but out of sight. In the case of footsteps, notice rapidity, regularity and weight.

23. Impressions are conveyed to the brain not only by sight and hearing, but also by smell, taste and touch. Shut your eyes and try to distinguish between different flowers by their scent alone, and between different coins and between different textile fabrics by the sense of touch. Can you distinguish between beef and mutton if you eat with closed eyes? The three senses mentioned in this paragraph are of less importance to the majority of persons than are the senses of sight and hearing, but they should not be wholly neglected.

The Pelman System of Mind and Memory Training - Lessons I to XII

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