Читать книгу The Big Book of Wheat-Free Cooking: Includes Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, and Reduced Fat Recipes - Antoinette Savill, Antoinette Savill - Страница 19

Carrot and Swede Soup


This soup has a very subtle combination that most people cannot quite put their finger on. You can serve the soup with the Mini Rosemary and Orange Muffins here.

Serves 8

4 tablespoons cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

455g/11b organic carrots, peeled and chopped

565g/11b 4oz swede, peeled and chopped

3 celery sticks, tough strings removed, chopped

1 red onion, finely sliced

2 litres/8 cups hot allergy-free vegetable stock (bouillon)

Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Half-fat crème fraîche or dairy-free Soya Dream to decorate and a little chopped fresh parsley

Warm the oil in a big pan, add all the vegetables and cook gently over medium heat until softened. Stir in the stock (bouillon) and simmer for about 25 minutes. Allow the vegetables and liquid to cool then place in a blender and blend until smooth.

Return the soup to the pan and season to taste. Reheat the soup, pour into serving bowls and decorate with a teaspoon of crème fraîche or dairy-free Soya Dream and chopped parsley.

The Big Book of Wheat-Free Cooking: Includes Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, and Reduced Fat Recipes

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