Читать книгу Turning your TAONGA into a BUSINESS - Arihia Witana - Страница 2

TE TIMATATANGA - THE BEGINNING Taku Taonga: My Gift / Treasure Taku Mōhiotanga: My Knowledge Taku Mātau ā-wheako: My Experience


Before you start reading this book. Make sure your mind is clear and ear is open to receive knowledge. As the author I don’t expect you to take everything on board in this book. But, I hope that you can use this book from my experiences as a way of helping you to keep on searching for more knowledge or information to help you be successful in business. Each of us have our own story and in our own way we set the path and the example for others to perfect their own TAONGA. (Their own treasured possession / gift.) And turn that TAONGA into something beautiful.

If in doubt always go through the right legal or professional channels to get the answers you need to make the right decisions whether you go into business or not. It’s good to have information that is relevant to now and the correct resources where to get your answers as business is always evolving.

Turning your TAONGA into a BUSINESS

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