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Before you even get into starting a business. Where I started is putting a business plan together. I’ve heard from others it doesn’t work. Yes, that may work for some. But for ones like myself, other Māori and Business Professionals that like structure and some type of stability. Always have a Business Plan.


1 Just like a blueprint to the plans for building a house. It is a blueprint into the future of your business from start to complete establishment and maintenance.

2 When you’re seeking funding from Banks to Investors. They need to see a Business Plan so they can make informed decisions whether to fund you or not. This is especially when you’re either starting or wanting to expand your business.

3 It’s great to take a step back and look to find out whether there needs to be improvements made even just looking through your own business. This is a great tool for that.

4 A lot of established businesses are using Business Plans both Start-ups, SME’s (Small Business Enterprises) and large well-established Corporate Companies

5 It’s your own plan to success so from time to time it’s great to go back through it for either confirmation or to reflect and refresh your mindset when putting other business plans or goals in motion

What do you need to do?

1 If you have never done a Business Plan before. Get a professional

2 Business Consultant – Someone to consider helping you put a Business Plan in place – Most are great at referring you to the right business networks

3 Business Mentor – Will help you on your journey as a Business Owner (possibly your business consultant if they are available and if you have a great business relationship) If you click and gel really well

4 If you can’t afford a professional now. At that time period I couldn’t as I was broke at the time. I put my own Business Plan together using the qualifications and experience that I already had. Start with getting your whanau or friends together to sit down and have a hui (meeting). Then do a brainstorm and do plenty of research once you’ve decided what you want to do. Your business idea, or whether you want to go into business or not.

What do you need to know?

1 Never forget why you went into business

2 When you put a plan in place when approaching other business professionals says you mean business

3 Having a plan says structure and gives others looking at investing their time in you that you have a clear foresight of where you want your business to go

4 That regardless the final decision is yours. It is your business. You are the boss. But, yes you need to take into consideration the advice that is given to you to make the right informed decisions. Don't be pressured to rush with a final answer. Think about it first. Action when you're ready.

5 Go via LinkedIn or company profiles when looking for Business Consultants or Business Mentors. - That will tell you whether they would make a great fit for you and your business goals or not

“When I first Started”

It seems like yesterday when I first started my business. It was definitely humble beginnings. I was broke, Couldn’t find work, My confidence was at a low and a Single Mum trying to get my act together. I felt like I failed my daughter and my whanau (family). As much as I was trying to put some contingencies to ensure this wouldn’t happen to us. It did! I was grateful enough that my Mum as strong as she is. Got me to sit down and go over what I could do in the meantime until I could us get to where we needed to be.

"Start your business!" She says. "Got to start somewhere." So, with all the qualifications I obtained in Australia and New Zealand as well as some help from other people. Started putting ideas together. Did a Brainstorm. Which grew into a Business Plan. I realized I had what I needed and put things into Action. I thought to myself in my moment of epitome. I already had what I needed. I just need to use what I have learnt and experienced to put my own business together. Sometimes you just need to hear it from your whānau (family) or a third party.

Turning your TAONGA into a BUSINESS

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