Читать книгу Turning your TAONGA into a BUSINESS - Arihia Witana - Страница 5



Every business starts with either a DREAM, GOAL, VISION or MISSION. Depending whether you are still trying to figure out what you want to do as a business; or you may already have something in mind in terms of what type of business you want to put together. I understand at the beginning it can be quite scary for some that have never started a business before. It is a combination of both scary and exciting. It is going into the unknown. Some have the stomach for it because they want to give it a shot. For others they may hesitate and check everything first in detail before they consider going into business as an option.

What do you need to know?

1 It's okay to be scared, excited, nervous and unsure. It is normal

2 That without having a dream, vision, mission or goals for your business you won't have a sense of direction

3 Ask yourself what is your aim for your business present and future?

4 Remember this is your business. Don't allow others to tell you what kind of dreams and goals you should have for your business. You make the final decision. But make sure to get professional advice to ensure that it's okay if you are unsure.

5 You can discuss your business dreams, vision , goals and mission with someone if you're unsure. It's great to get someone that can help you get some clarity

6 Sometimes in business things change with trends or direction and your business dreams, goals, mission and vision may change from time to time

7 That sometimes you have to make changes to reach certain goals and dreams so yes you have to learn to be flexible

What to ask yourself?

1 With the TAONGA that you possess what would be your DREAM business?

2 What is your VISION for your business?

3 What GOALS do you have for your business? What short-term and long-term GOALS do you have?

4 What is your number one MISSION for you and your business?

5 If you already have answered questions from one to four. Are you happy with your answers? Do you need to change them or extend them more in detail?

6 If you are already in business do you think that you need to make some changes to your DREAMS, MISSION, VISION & GOALS?

7 Are your DREAMS, GOALS, VISION & MISSION BIG? If they are you will need more people to help you reach them. You can't be a one man band.

8 Are you prepared to take on more people to reach those goals? If you're not. What steps do you need to take in order to be ready to take on more people to help you reach those GOALS?


At the beginning when I first started my business I didn't have a vision or mission as such. Just a GOAL to get myself out of the situation that I was in at time to get financially stable. And the DREAM to be the best example to my daughter, to be able to spread my TAONGA of helping others who have either gone through the same, want to work, want to start a business or really want to be there own boss.

If I could of talked to myself earlier I would of said.

"Start your business earlier! It's worth it! Don't be like everyone else and feel that you need to be part of the system."

In life and I'm sure you would all agree from when we are babies, growing up from a child, to a teenager and into our adult hood. We are taught a system to get educated, to get a job or career and that is seen as a norm for everyone. It is a system that doesn't work for all of us.

It is not necessarily a system that helps us have a good life. Nor a system that helps us to be happy. Sometimes you feel trapped and don't feel that you are being taken care of, you watch and observe everyone else being successful. And you feel like you're being left out or being left in the dust.

You then start comparing yourself which I did. But, had to slap myself and say "Hey! That's them! You have your own journey!" Not everyone's journey is the same so you set your path to success by putting your own DREAMS and GOALS together and your VISION and MISSION will follow as you grow your business.

When you see others being successful be happy for them. But, at the same time use other peoples success to help you motivate and inspire you, while you put together your success as a business.

Turning your TAONGA into a BUSINESS

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