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My Discourse on Geocentric Universe


The earth is the center of our universe. Ptolemy is right; Tycho Brahe is right. Copernicus is wrong. Galileo and Kepler perpetuated the mistake that Copernicus made. Mankind has been moving in the wrong direction for the last four hundred years because Copernicus failed to observe an important principle of scientific pursuit, which we may call by the name “Observer Equivalency.” A Thought Experiment is used to explain Observer Equivalency in identifying four types of observers: Earth, Earthling, Alien, and Sky. Conclusive experimental proof for a geocentric universe comes from the famous Michelson– Morley experiments.


Mankind had believed in a geocentric universe for a long time. In the second century AD, Ptolemy recorded his observations in the Almagest, which relied heavily on the works of earlier Greek astronomers and was dependable for all practical purposes.However,fourteen hundred years later, Copernicus challenged this theory by reintroducing an old, discarded theory of a heliocentric universe mainly based on two problems—the retrograde motions of the outer planets and the complexity of calculating the epicycles.

Tycho Brahe used improved instruments and devoted his full time for observations and calculations. He suggested an improvement on the Ptolemaic system by proposing that the moon and the sun revolved around the earth, which is fixed at the center, but all other planets revolved around the sun. This theory is fully supported by observations; and explains all heavenly motions, including the elliptical revolutions of the other planets around the sun as it circles around the fixed Earth at the center. Copernicus’s heliocentric theory is purely a mathematical model that does not agree with observed phenomena. His theory is only applicable to a solarian (an inhabitant of the sun), if there is such a creature! Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo failed to define the observer and the place of observation when making these observations. Depending on who is the observer and from where he or she is observing, observed results are going to be different. When our astronauts visited the moon, they saw the earth orbiting the moon, based on the principle of observer equivalency.

We must conduct a thought experiment to understand observer equivalency. Let us think about a common housefly with two large compound eyes on its head. Let us fuse these two eyes into one large eye covering half of its head. Let us now make it large enough to cover its whole head. Finally, let us make the eye still larger so that its entire body is one spherical eye covering its whole body surface. This is the model of the earth as an observer. Imagine the whole surface of the earth as a spherical compound eye with 360-degree vision towards the sky and the center of the earth as its brain. What is the inference of this observer about the heavens? The orbital motions of the heavenly bodies are not observed by the earth.

In other words, the earth does not experience the dawn and the dusk that an earthling observes. Instead, it is always high noon for the earth! An Earthling, on the other hand, can see about two radian angles (less than 120 degrees) at a time with the best of peripheral vision; and he occupies a single point space on the surface of the earth resembling a single eye unit of Earth’s compound eye. Unlike Earth, an Earthling does experience a dawn and dusk, and no two earthlings would agree about their independent observational results. A Tokyo observer would insist that he is witnessing dusk (setting of the sun) while at the same time a Boston observer would swear that he is witnessing dawn (rising of the sun).The earth would always see the sun directly overhead. Earth as an observer is different from an

Earthling as an observer. Earth’s vision is the sum total of all individual Earthlings’ viewpoints combined.

An alien observer is defined as an observer who is not Earth-based. What an alien observer sees is different from what an Earthling sees or the Earth sees as a whole. Since we have assigned the Earth the central position, the alien is always positioned at the periphery. A solar observer (solarian) would be making a true statement when he says that the sun is the center of his universe. So would be the statement of a Martian’s or a Venusian’s. The sky similarly may be imagined to have a compound eye, with a vision from all points in the sky, looking down on Earth from all points inside the celestial sphere. The vision of the sky would be the sum total of all individual alien’s viewpoints combined.

The observer is an integral part of observation and inference. As a major in chemistry, I am quite familiar with the methodology that chemists follow. We use the terminology “experiment, observation, and inference.” A chemist records his inferences based on his observations and not those of anyone else. Physicists do not seem to care much to adhere to this principle, and therefore their writings are prone to become fiction. Copernicus is the first science fiction writer, who has been feeding our brains with fiction for the past four hundred years.

Apart from the fact that the observer is an Earthling, we must also realize that we are not aware of the existence of any other observer in our universe. No life form, let alone intelligent life, has been found in any other planet

or satellite. Therefore, it is perfectly logical to infer that Earth is the center of our universe because life is likely to form only at the center of any universe. Stated differently, the observer tends to migrate to the center of his or her field of observation. More importantly, with the discovery of more matter within the solar system since Copernican times, earth qualifies as the barycenter of the solar system (our universe). This physical model is therefore superior to the heliocentric model. Copernican heliocentric model is only justified mathematically. It is not a physical possibility.

The Michelson-Morley experiment provides conclusive proof that Earth is fixed in space, and therefore the speed of light is the same in all directions on the surface of the earth. The scientific community, including the top scientist of the day, Einstein, failed to reach the correct inference from this experiment—which is that Earth does not rotate or revolve. Mathematically speaking, Earth’s rotation and revolution are to be assigned a value of zero. Being a real number, it is perfectly logical to assign this value to Earth’s revolutional and rotational speeds. Now, we face a tremendous task of recalculating all physical measurements based on the heliocentric theory that we have been using for the last four hundred years to be converted to a geocentric model which is the true physical reality.

The Michelson-Morley experiment also proved that the speed of light is a constant. This discovery resolved the problem of explaining the diurnal revolution of the distant stars around a tiny Earth simply by adding two words to the statement of this phenomenon as follows: Lights from the distant stars make a complete revolution around Earth once in every twenty-four hours.


The earth is the center of “our” universe. For the first sixteen hundred years of the Christian era, we believed so and used that knowledge in our everyday lives and activities. We then decided to rebel against this view and embraced a heliocentricview,eventhoughwedidnothaveanyempirical prooftochangeourview.Therefore,itislogicalandscientific to go back to a geocentric system and recalculate our data and correct our mistakes of the past four hundred years. The task is enormous, but it is achievable. The rewards are going to be enormous. We can solve many of our major problems, including global warming and energy shortages, once we attain the correct perspective about our orientation as central in our universe. The terminology “Planet Earth” should be changed. We must call our home “Center Earth” or some other suitable name. The concept of Center Earth is necessary to understand the Grand Unified Theory. The reader should therefore now assume the mindset that Earth is the center of our universe in order to understand the following discourses.

Grand Unified Theory

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