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My Discourse on the Structure and Function of the Universe


The universe is structured like Niels Bohr’s model of the atom. Earth corresponds to the nucleus. The moon constitutes the primary shell, which may be called the “lunar shell” or “lunar orbital.” The sun and its planets, excluding Earth, form the next shell or orbital, which may be called the “solar shell” or “solar orbital.” Next is the “galactic shell” or the “galactic orbital,” which constitutes all heavenly bodies beyond the solar system. The earth as the center is assigned a rotational and revolutionary speed of zero; meaning that it is fixed and does not revolve or rotate. Matter is defined as “that which occupies space.” Space, in turn, is defined as “that which accommodates matter.” There is no such thing as vacuum or empty space. The elusive aether is nothing but hydrogen in plasma state. With regard to their relationship, matter and energy are defined as follows: Matter is energy at rest, energy is matter in motion. All forms of electromagnetic radiation are plasma hydrogen in motion at speeds up to the limit of “c.” The double-slit experiment gives conclusive proof of the existence of aether as plasma hydrogen.


Atoms are invisible. Even the largest among them, uranium, cannot be seen by the naked eye or even with the most powerful microscopes. Niels Bohr proposed a model of the atom based on the model of the universe as it is observed holistically. In this planetary model, when we use our geocentric model proposed in the first discourse, Earth corresponds to the nucleus of the atom. The moon and the sun constitute the first and second shells, or orbitals, respectively called the lunar shell and the solar shell. The stars and galaxies beyond the solar system are all included in one shell called the galactic shell or galactic orbital. Niels Bohr proposed a planetary model for the atom because he felt that the building blocks of the universe should look like miniature units of the same. In other words, atoms are miniature models of the universe, and the universe in turn looks like a giant atom. Just as a wall made up of rectangular bricks would look like a huge rectangular brick, a universe made up of atoms should look like a huge atom.

In this physical model, the sun wobbles around a stationary Earth once in twenty-four hours. Wobbling motions are characteristic of stars, and the sun does the same around its barycenter. The moon circles Earth in about twenty-four hours and fifty minutes. All other planets and their moons circle the sun at varying speeds and distances, observing Newton’s laws of motion and universal law of gravitation. Light, which is corpuscular in nature as Newton proclaimed, is actually matter in plasma form (mainly hydrogen). Light obeys gravitational law and falls onto the most massive body within the solar system, the sun, preferentially. This inference explains why stars are not visible during daytime and why they are visible at night, casting a stream of light along the path of the sun.

In considering the relationship between matter and space, we see that the following definitions fit well: Matter is defined as that which occupies space. Space is defined as that which accommodates matter. The function of space is to accommodate matter; matter in turn occupies all available space. This means that the term “empty space” is a misnomer.There is no such thing as empty space.Interstellar and intergalactic space is filled with matter in its thinnest form—plasma hydrogen. We know that interstellar space has a temperature of a little under 3 degrees Kelvin. Applying Boyle’s Law of Gases and the Ideal Gas Law (PV = nRT), we can easily see that interstellar space V (volume) is enormous, since P (pressure) and T (temperature) are very low values and R (the gas constant) is a constant. This volume is occupied by an extremely thin form of matter at an extremely low pressure. This realization solves the mystery of the missing dark matter that we need in order to prevent the universe from expanding forever! This realization also proves that there is, after all, such a thing as aether, which is the fourth state of matter, “plasma.” A major component of this plasma matter is hydrogen, but it may contain plasma forms of other elements as well. Einstein’s photons are nothing but plasma hydrogen or plasma helium moving at speed c or lower. Therefore, Newton’s corpuscular theory of light is still valid. Light behaves as matter and wave; not as matter or wave.

In considering the relationship between matter and energy, the following definitions apply: Energy is matter in motion, and matter is energy at rest. This hypothesis is consistent with our observation. We see the earth at rest, and we see the heavenly bodies in motion. Our knowledge of the heavenly bodies comes to us in the form of energy: light, heat, electricity, and magnetism. Stated differently, all heavenly bodies touch the earth through light, heat, or electromagnetic waves. A better way to visualize this is to see the world as a huge ocean of plasma hydrogen with all the bodies suspended in it. This would constitute a holistic model of the universe.

In describing the structure of our geocentric universe, let us assign the earth (the nucleus) a fixed status with rotational and revolutionary speeds of zero. Zero is a real number. Therefore, we are mathematically correct in assigning this value for Earth’s rotation and revolution just as we do in algebraic problem solving. We must now recalculate all other values presently in use under the premise of a heliocentric universe. All calculations, especially those that use parallax measures based on an assumed revolution of the earth around the sun; have to be recalculated.

Thomas Young’s original double-slit experiment, along with all similar experiments conducted later under varying conditions, have been a puzzle to all scientists who were tutored in classical mechanics. If you accept the existence of aether (plasma) occupying all space, it is easy to make the correct inference that light creates waves in plasma medium. Stated differently, light, and all other electromagnetic waves are ripples in plasma medium. The best way to understand this phenomenon is to compare light to water. Water makes the ocean; water also makes the ocean waves. You don’t see any ocean waves in the Sahara desert because there is no ocean there. Light also behaves the same way. There is no reason to believe that light behaves differently from water or any other matter. Sound waves need air for their propagation. Light, whether we call it by the name of plasma or photon, is matter. We may even call light super-matter since only light can reach speeds up to c (300,000 km/sec.) both as a particle and as a wave in its own plasma medium.

Ocean waves need water to propagate. Sound waves need air to propagate. Light needs plasma or aether to propagate. Plasma exists everywhere, even in a vacuum tube. Water flows through a pipe or a fireman’s hose when it is in directed motion. When we see waves in the ocean, water molecules are just pushing their neighbors creating the domino effect. When air is in directed motion, we call it wind. When air molecules simply push their neighbors like dominoes, it creates vibrations called sound. When a hydrogen atom (a proton and an electron) is in linear motion, it forms a light beam (a photon, if you prefer). When a hydrogen atom vibrates in a pool of protons and electrons (plasma), we notice the wave-like nature of light. This is the correct inference from the double slit experiment.


The microworlds and the macroworlds are more likely to be similar than different. Intuition and observation tell us that the universe has to be a macrocosm of the atoms of which it is made of, and vice versa. A geocentric universe may be drawn with the earth as the central nucleus and all heavenly bodies forming lunar, solar, and galactic shells or orbitals. In relation to space, matter is defined as “that which occupies space.” In relation to matter, space is defined as “that which accommodates matter.” This realization leads us to the inference that space cannot exist without matter in it. Aether does exist, which has to be hydrogen in plasma form. Interstellar space is found to have a temperature of about 2.7 degrees Kelvin. The most logical explanation for this phenomenon is that deep space is not empty. Plasma is the logical choice as the fourth state of matter along with solid, liquid, and gas. Light, heat and all electromagnetic waves travel through space in a medium of plasma or aether. Plasma or aether limits the speed of all electromagnetic waves to a maximum of c by acting as a resisting medium. If we are ready to accept Empedocles’ “fire” as a state of matter, we have accounted for all the “missing dark matter” necessary to balance our equations for a stable universe.The double-slit experiment confirms this theory.

Grand Unified Theory

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