Читать книгу Financial Adulting - Ashley Feinstein Gerstley - Страница 74
For the Love of Money: Money Goals with a Partner
ОглавлениеIf you are partnered up, it's great to do this exercise on your own, but then you'll also want to include your partner in your goal planning. You might have some shared goals and some goals that are just your own. You might agree on the priority ranking for some and disagree for others. This is all okay! What's most important is that you have a conversation and come up with a plan together.
Maybe you contribute jointly to certain goals and then you each contribute to your respective individual goals. If you disagree on the ranking of a goal, you might compromise and contribute to two at the same time and/or encourage one another to contribute to individual goals. There are a million and one ways to figure it out, and know that the plan you come up with isn't set in stone. Try some things out and see how they go. Adjust from there.