Читать книгу Dutch Phrase Book - Ashok Kumawat - Страница 10

Transportation and Travel


In this chapter, we will explore the essential phrases and vocabulary related to transportation and travel in Dutch. Whether you’re navigating the bustling city streets or embarking on a scenic journey through the Dutch countryside, mastering these phrases will help you communicate effectively and make the most of your travel experience.

Asking for Directions:

Excuse me, where is…? – Pardon, waar is…?

How do I get to…? – Hoe kom ik bij…?

Is it far from here? – Is het ver van hier?

Which way should I go? – Welke kant moet ik op?

Can you show it on the map? – Kunt u het op de kaart aanwijzen?

Public Transportation:

Train station – Treinstation

Bus stop – Bushalte

Tram stop – Tramhalte

Metro station – Metrostation

Ticket – Kaartje

One-way ticket – Enkeltje

Round-trip ticket – Retourkaartje

Where is the ticket office? – Waar is het loket?

When does the next train/bus/tram/metro arrive? – Wanneer komt de volgende trein/bus/tram/metro?

Which platform/track? – Welk perron/spoor?

Is this seat taken? – Is deze plaats bezet?


Taxi – Taxi

Taxi stand – Taxistandplaats

Can you take me to…? – Kunt u me naar…brengen?

Dutch Phrase Book

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