Читать книгу From Monkey to Man, or, Society in the Tertiary Age - Austin Bierbower - Страница 8
ОглавлениеThe fight with the snakes, which now began, was not remarkable except for the stories to which it gave rise. The reptiles were nearly all driven from the country before it was over, although many of them took refuge in the Swamp. But many tales of prowess were related of that war, which made it famous in after times, and caused it to be the event from which subsequent time was reckoned. Shoozoo claimed to have killed more snakes and bigger snakes than any of the rest, and, as none could boast much of their actual exploits, which were small compared with those claimed by Shoozoo, they all took to lying, and thus started the habit of making snake stories, which has come down to their descendants. These accounts were so great that the next generation, which was the first to believe them, ascribed marvelous powers to the heroes of this war, and so made it the commencement of an epoch, as well as preserved the stories, with additions, for their future theology.
“Why do you not,” asked Simlee, a young gorilla for whom Shoozoo had formed an attachment, “bring home one of those big snakes of which you kill so many, and proudly lay it at my feet?”
“Is it not enough,” retorted Shoozoo, “that I bring home the story of it? The honor that comes from snakes is not in having them, but in killing them.”
“But I want the proof of both your exploits and your love,” replied she; “the other baboons bring something to their loved ones, and the girls are all taunting me with your failures and your neglect. I am pining for snakes.”
Shoozoo felt embarrassed, but, being always ready with a promise when he lacked an achievement, said:
“I will bring you the great dragon of the swamp, the winged alligator that rules these waters and darkens the sun when he flies.”
“I would rather have plain snakes,” she said; “I would entwine them in my hair, and, like the girls of Jo and Kibboo, drape them as trophies about my neck.”
“Never doubt my love,” he replied, “You shall be ensnaked; and my conquests and your adornments will be the pride of all monkeydom.”
Simlee, thus reassured, ran laughing up a tree, while Shoozoo departed to achieve, or invent, fame.
Arming himself with a club and a vivid imagination he went out, like Don Quixote, for snakes and glory.
He had not gone far when he encountered an enormous snake, the first real one he had found since the war, notwithstanding his stories, and one which would, indeed, have delighted Simlee and given Shoozoo fame as its slayer, had he brought it home. But, instead of Shoozoo making for the snake, the snake made for Shoozoo. Back he turned excitedly, and there was a long race between the snake and the monkey, the monkey keeping ahead and gaining; and long after the snake ceased to follow Shoozoo continued to run. At last, however, Shoozoo panting and almost out of breath, climbed a tree, and looked about to take in the situation. And, though he did not see the snake, he nevertheless would not come down, but remained in the tree till night, when he sneaked home by a route different from that by which he came.
On nearing the place where he had left Simlee in the morning, and wondering what account he should give of his day’s adventure, he found another huge snake lying in his path. He started back in fright; but, assuring himself that it was dead, he approached with courage. “This,” he said, “is my opportunity; it will both satisfy Simlee and astonish the rest.” And so, shouldering the snake he bore it proudly back to Simlee, and laid it at her feet with these words:
“See, beloved, how the mighty fall at the word of Simlee and the stroke of Shoozoo!”
Simlee leaped from the tree with glee, and taking up the snake, called to the other girls who were sitting among the branches or lying about the mounds, to witness her good fortune.
“That’s the same snake,” replied one, “that was brought here two days ago by Kibboo, and thrown away this morning because it had begun to smell.”
At this Simlee grew angry, and flew at the girl with open jaws, tearing her hair and beating her face; and there would have been as hot a fight between the women as between the men and the snakes, but for the return of the warriors with their trophies, when the curiosity of the female apes, which was greater than their anger, put an end to the quarrel, and they all ran to possess themselves of the snakes for ornaments.