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Оглавление171. Lady Skeffington to Anne Boleyn, Jan. 26, 1536; to Cromwell, Aug. 1. Anthony Colley to Cromwell, in Carew, Feb. 13, 1536; Lord Deputy and Council to Cromwell, Nov. 23.
172. 28 and 29 Henry VIII. The contemporary Schedule of Acts is in the S.P. ii. 526. Brabazon to Cromwell, May 17, 1536; Cromwell to the Lord Deputy and Council, June 3.
173. Irish Statutes, 28 and 29 Henry VIII. Brabazon to Cromwell, May 17; Grey to Cromwell, May 21.
174. 25 Henry VI., c. 5 and c. 9, and see Hardiman’s Statute of Kilkenny, p. 129; 17 Henry VI., see Carew, vol. iv. p. 457; 12 and 13 Henry VII. For the earlier legislation, see Gilbert’s Viceroys, pp. 216, 244. The Act of Absentees is 28 Henry VIII., cap. 3. For the preparation of Bills in England, see Audeley to Cromwell, S.P. vol. ii. p. 439.
175. Grey to Cromwell, June 24, 1536, for the treaty with Con O’Neill. The other treaties are in Carew, May 4, May 12, and May 31.
176. Lord Deputy and Council to Cromwell, June 1, 1536; Council of Ireland to Cromwell, June 30; William Wise to Cromwell, July 12.
177. The Council of Ireland to Cromwell, Aug. 9; Grey to Cromwell, Aug. 10.
178. The Council of Ireland to Cromwell, Aug. 9; William Body to Cromwell, Aug. 9, in Carew; Grey to Cromwell, Aug. 10.
179. Same authorities; also Lord Butler to Cromwell, Aug. 11.
180. Body to Cromwell, Aug. 1536, in Carew; Grey to Cromwell, Nov. 24; Lord Butler to Cromwell, Aug. 11.
181. Grey to Cromwell, Aug. 10; Body’s letter, as above; Lord Deputy and Council to Cromwell, Nov. 23; Grey to Cromwell, same date.
182. Council of Ireland to Cromwell, Aug. 22, 1536, and the notes; Grey to the King, Aug. 19.
183. Council of Ireland to Cromwell, Aug. 22. This session of Parliament began Sept. 15, 1536.
184. See the State Papers, vol. ii. pp. 366, 367. The Duke of Richmond died Aug. 22, 1536.
185. The King to the Lord Deputy and Council, Feb. 25, 1537.
186. Lord Deputy and Council to Cromwell, April 20, 1537; to the King, same date.
187. Grey and Brabazon to Cromwell, June 11, 1537; Council to Cromwell, June 26; Thomas Alen to Cromwell, June 12, in Carew.
188. The King to St. Leger and others, with the Commission of July 31, 1537; to the Lord Deputy and Council, same date; to Grey, same date.
189. Lord Deputy and Council to Cromwell, Aug. 12. Grey to Cromwell, Aug. 16, 1537, wrongly printed under 1539 in the S.P.; same to same, Sept. 1.
190. Four Masters and Annals of Lough Cé, 1512 and 1537. Manus O’Donnell to Grey, Aug. 20, 1537. Ware says that Donegal Friary contained a famous library.
191. Grey to Cromwell, Sept. 1, 1537; J. Alen to St. Leger and others, No. 183 in the printed S.P.
192. Brabazon to Cromwell, Dec. 31, 1537. St. Leger to Cromwell, Jan. 2, 1538.
193. From the light it throws on the land question O’Connor’s prayer is worth transcribing:—
‘Humiliter petit, quatenus Dominus Rex, ex suâ gratiâ, dignetur concedere sibi, per literas suas patentes, quod ipse, et exitus sui, sint liberi status, et homines legales, more Anglicorum; et quod sit Baro de Offaly, atque habeat sibi et heredibus suis ex regia donatione portionem terrarum in Offaly, quas nunc illic possidet per partitionem, more patriæ, tenendam de Domino Rege secundum leges Anglicanas; ac quod simili auctoritate, fratres sui, et alii possessionarii terrarum ibidem, terras quas nunc possident habeant sibi et heredibus suis; ipse et omnes alii et heredes sui, reddendo Dominio Regi, annuatim, de qualibet carucata terræ, tres solidos et quatuor denarios; et quod carucatæ terræ in Offaly, quotiens Domino Deputato visum fuerit, ac necessitas emergerit, onerantur et assidentur belligeris pro defensione subditorum Domini Regis, eodem modo sicut cæteræ carucatæ terræ inter regios subditos onerantur et assidentur. Igitur humiliter petit, quod Dominus Rex, et Deputati sui, pro tempore existentes, suscipiant suam protectionem et defensionem contra omnes alios, prout suscipiant defensionem Anglicorum.’ Submission of O’Connor, March 6, 1538.—Grey to Cromwell, March 17, 1538; Francis Herbert to Cromwell, March 21, 1536, to Norfolk, Jan. 24, 1538; Grey to Cromwell, April 1, 1538.
194. Brabazon to Cromwell, Sept. 10, 1535; Council of Ireland to Cromwell, Feb. 14, 1536; Stanihurst; Ware; Four Masters, 1535.
195. Nearly all that is really known about her is contained in a memoir by the Rev. James Graves. See also Hallam’s History of Literature and Lodge’s Lives of the Earls of Surrey and Kildare.
196. Lady Kildare to Cromwell, July 16, 1536. Articles by St. Leger and others, Dec. 10, 1537.
197. St. Leger and others to Cromwell, Jan. 2, 1538; Ormonde to the Irish Council, S.P., vol. iii. p. 44; Stanihurst.
198. Brabazon to Cromwell, May 26, 1539; Stanihurst.
199. Sir John Wallop to Essex, April 18, 1540, S.P., vol. viii.; Lord Deputy and Council to the King, July 12, 1542, and Henry’s unfavourable answer; Bartholomew Warner to Wallop, May 22, 1540.
200. Lady Eleanor O’Donnell to the King, May 4, 1545.