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Fill the seed trays with compost until they are three-quarters full.

Tamp down the surface lightly with a flat board, then water the compost using a watering can fitted with a fine rose, or stand the trays in a bath of water. Allow the water to drain off before sowing. If you wish, mix the water with a fungicide to help prevent damping off and subsequent failure of the seedlings.

When the compost is moist, sow fine seed thinly onto its surface. Large seeds, should be well spaced out and covered with a thin layer of soil, just to the depth of the seed itself.

After sowing, cover the seed tray with a piece of glass or clear plastic. This ensures that the compost does not dry out.

Place the tray in a dark or shady part of the greenhouse or on the kitchen windowsill, or cover with a piece of folded newspaper.

Most seeds need warmth to germinate: a heated propagator where you can provide an even temperature of 15°C(60°F) is ideal. However, parsley needs higher temperatures of 21–27°C (70–80°F) and lavender germinates at temperatures lower than 10°C (50°F).

Your Herb Garden

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