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The Coming of King Robert Bruce to Arran.


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1307 Bruce gets News of Douglas

On this wis James of Douglas,

And hys menyhe, throu Goddis grace,

War weill releyit with armying,[†] 456 With vittale als and with clething; Syne till a strenth thai held thair way,[†] And thame full manly governit thai; Till on the tend day at the King, 460 With all that war in his ledyng, Arivit in-to that cuntre, With thretty small galais and thre. The King arivit in Arane; 464 And syne to the land is gane, And in a toune tuk his herbery: And sperit syne full specialy, Giff ony man couth tell tithand 468 Of ony strange men in that land. “Yhai,” said a woman, “Schir, perfay, “Of strange men I can yhow say, “That ar cumin in this cuntre, 472 “And schort quhile sen, throu thare bounte, “Thai haff discumfit our wardane, “And mony of his folk has slane. “In-till a stalward place heir-by 476 “Reparis all thair cumpany.” ‘Dame,’ said the King, ‘wald thou me wis ‘To that place quhar thair repair is, ‘I sall reward the but lesing, 480 ‘For thai ar all of my duelling;[†] ‘And I richt blithly wald thame se, ‘And richt sua trow I thai wald me.’ “Yhis,” said scho, “Schir, I will blithly 484 “Ga with yhow and yhour cumpany, “Till that I schaw yhow thair repair.” ‘That is eneuch, my sister fair; ‘Now ga furthwardis,’ said the Kyng. 488 Than went thai furth but mair letting, Followand hir as scho thame led, Till at the last scho schewit a sted Till the King, in a woddy glen, 492 And said; “Schir, heir I saw the men, “That yhe speir eftir, mak luging: “Heir trow I be thair reparyng.”

The King than blew his horn in hy; 496

And gert the men, that war him by,

Hald thaim still, and all prive;[†] And syne agane his horn blew he. James of Dowglas herd him blaw, 500 And he the blast all soyn can knaw; And said, “Suthly yhon is the Kyng: “I knaw lang quhill syne his blawyng.” The thrid tym thar-with-all he blew, 504 And than Schir Robert Boyde it knew, And said, “Yhon is the King, but dreid; “Ga we furth till hym bettir speid.” Than went thai till the King in hy, 508 And him salusit full curtasly; And blithly welcumit thame the Kyng, That joyfull wes of thair meting, And kyssit thame, and sperit syne 512 How thai had farn in thair huntyne.[†] And thai hym tald all but lesyng: Syne lovit thai God of thair meting. Syne with the Kyng to his herbry 516 Thai wend, bath joyfull ande joly.

The Bruce

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