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How one Man and his Two Sons undertook to slay King Robert.


Table of Contents

1307 Bruce in Carrick

In-to Carrik yheit wes the King,

With a full sympill gaderyng; 464

He passit nocht twa hundreth men.

Bot Schir Edward his brothir then

Wes in Galloway, weill neir tharby;

With hym ane othir cumpany. 468

Thai held the strynthis of the land;

For thai durst nocht yheit tak on hand

Till our-ride the land planly.

For of Vallanch Schir Amery 472

Wes in-till Edinburgh lyand,

That wes wardane of the land

Under-neth the Inglis kyng.

And quhen he herd of the cummyng 476

Of King Robert and his menyhe

In-to Carrik; and how that he

Had slane of the Persyis men;

His consell he assemblit then, 480

And, with assent of his consale,

He send till Are, hym till assale,

Schir Ingerame Bell, that wes hardy,[†] And with hym a gret cumpany. 484

The Bruce

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