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Here the King’s Hostess foretells what is to be, and gives him her Two Sons.


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And as the King apon the land 632

Wes gangand up and doun, bydand

Till that his menyhe reddy war,

His hostes come rycht till hym thar.

And quhen that scho him halsit had, 636

A preve spek till hym scho mad,

And said, “Ta gude tent to my saw:

“For or yhe pas I sall yhow schaw

“Of yhour fortoun a gret party. 640

“And atour all thing specialy

“A wittering heir I sall yhow may,

“Quhat end that your purpos sall ta.

“For in this warld is nane trewly[†] 644 “Wat thingis to cum sa weill as I. “Yhe pas now furth on yhour viage, “To venge the harme and the outrage “That Inglis men has to yhow done; 648 “Bot yhe wat nocht quhat-kyn forton “Yhe mon dre in yhour warraying. “Bot wit yhe weill, without lesing, “That fra yhe now haf takyn land, 652 “Thair sal no micht, no strinth of hand, “Ger yhow furth pas of this cuntre “Quhill all to yhow abandonyt be. “Within schort tym yhe sall be king, 656 “And haf the land at yhour liking, “And ourcum yhour fayis all; “Bot feill anoyis thoill yhe sall, “Or that yhour purpos ende haf tane; 660 “Bot yhe sall thame ourdriff ilkane. “And, that yhe trow this sekirly, “My twa sonnys with yhow sall I “Send to tak with yhow yhour travell; 664 “For I wat weill thai sall nocht fale “Till be rewardit weill at rycht, “Quhen yhe ar heyt on to yhour hicht.”

1307 Of Astrology

The Kyng, that herd all hir carpyng, 668

Than thankit hir in mekill thing;

For scho confortit hym sumdeill:

The-quhethir he trowit nocht full weill

Hir spek, for he had gret ferly 672

How scho suld wit it sekirly:

As it wes wounderfull, perfay,

How ony man throu steris may

Knaw the thingis that ar to cum 676

Determinabilly, all or sum,

Bot gif that he enspirit war

Of him, that all thing evirmar

Seis in his presciens, 680

*As it war ay in his presens:[†] As David wes, and Jeromy, Samuell, Joell, and Ysay, That throu his haly grace can tell Feill thingis that eftirward befell. 684 Bot thai prophetis so thyn ar sawin, That nane in erd now is knawin.[†] Bot feill folk ar sa curious, And to wit thingis sa covatous, 688 That thai, throu thair gret clergy, Or ellis throu thair devilry, On thir twyn maners makis fanding Of thingis to cum to haf knawing. 692 Ane of thame is astrology, Quhar-throu clerkis, that ar witty, May knaw conjunctione of planetis, And quhethir that thair cours thaim settis 696 In soft segis, or in angry; And of the hevyn all halely How that the disposicioune Suld apon thingis wirk heir doune, 700 On regiones, or on climatis, That wirkis nocht ay-quhar a-gatis, Bot sum ar les, sum othir mair, Eftir as thair bemys strekit air, 704 Owthir all evin, or on wry. Bot me think it war gret mastry Till ony astrolog to say This sall fall heir, and on this day. 708 For thouch a man his liff haly Studeit swa in astrology, That on the sternis his hed he brak, Wis men sais he suld nocht mak, 712 His liftyme, certane domys thre; And yheit suld he ay dout quhill he Saw how that it com till ending: Than is thar na certane demyng. 716 Or gif thai men that will study In the craft of astrology, Knaw all mennis nacioune, And als the constillacioune 720 That kyndly maneris giffis thaim til, For till inclyne to gud or ill; How that thai throu craft of clergy, Or throu slicht of astrology, 724 Couth tell quhatkyn perell apperis To thame that haldis kyndly maneris; I trow that thai suld faill to say The thingis that thame happyn may. 728 For quhethir sa men inclynit be Till vertu or to mavite, He may richt weill refrenyhe his will, Outhir throu nurtour or throu skill, 732 And to the contrar turne him all. And men has mony tymis seyn fall, That men, kyndly to ivill giffin, Throu thair gret wit away has drivin 736 Thair evill, and worthyn of gret renoune, Magre the constillacioune. As Arestotill, gif, as men redis, He had followit his kyndly dedis, 740 He had beyn fals and covatous; Bot his wit maid him virtuous. And syn men may on this kyn wis Wirk agane that cours, that is 744 Principal caus of thair demyng, Me think thair dome na certane thing.

1307 Of Necromancy

Nigramansy ane othir is,

That kennys men on syndry wis, 748

Throw stalward conjuraciones,

And throw exorcizaciones,

To ger spiritis to thame apeir,

And gif ansuer on seir maneir. 752

As quhilom did the Phitones,[†] That, quhen Saull abasit wes Of the Philistianis mycht, Rasit, throu hyr mekill slycht, 756 Samuelis sperit als tit, Or in his sted the evill spirit, That gaf rycht graith ansueir hir to. Bot of hir-self rycht nocht wist scho. 760 And man is in-to dreding ay Of thingis that he has herd say, And namly of thingis to cum, quhill he Have of the end the certante.[†] 764 And sen thai ar in sic wenyng, Fourouten certane witting, Me think, quha sayis he knawis thingis To cum, he makis gret gabbingis. 768 Bot quhethir scho that tald the King How his purpos suld tak ending, Wenit, or wist it witterly; It fell eftir all halely 772 As scho said: for syne king wes he, And of full mekill renomme.

The Bruce

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