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Here the Sleuth-hound lost his Scent.


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As he devisit thai haf done,

And enterit in the wattir sone,

And held on endlang it thar way,

And syne to the land yheid thai, 28

And held thair way as thai did ere.

And John of Lorn, with gret effere,

Com with his rout richt to the place,

Quhar that his five men slan was. 32

He menyt thame quhen he thaim saw;

And said, eftir a litill thraw,

That he suld wenge in hy thar blude:

Bot othir wayis the gammyn yhude. 36

Thair wald he mak no mair duelling,

Bot furth in hy followit the King,

Richt to the burn thai passit ar;

Bot the sleuth-hund maid stynting thar, 40

And waveryt lang tyme to and fra,

That he na certane gat couth ga;

Till at the last than Johne of Lorn

Persavit the hund the sleuth had lorn, 44

And said; “We haf tynt this travell;

“To pas forthir may nocht avale;

“For the wode is bath braid and wyde,

“And he is weill fer be this tyde. 48 “Tharfor I rede we turn agane, “And wast no mair travale in vayn.” With that releyt he his menyhe, And his way to the host tuk he. 52

The Bruce

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