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Or else he was Slain with an Arrow.


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1307 The King Escapes

Thus eschapit the nobill Kyng.

Bot sum men sais, this eschaping

Apon ane othir maner fell

Than throu the wading; for thai tell 56

That the Kyng a gud archer had,

And quhen he saw his lord swa stad,

That he wes left swa anerly,

He ran on fut alwayis him by, 60

Till he in-till the wod wes gane.

Then said he till hym-self allane,

That he arest rycht thair wald ma,

And luk gif he the hund mycht sla. 64

For gif the hund mycht lest on lif,

He wist full weill that thai wald drif

The Kyngis tras till thai hym ta;

Than wist he weill thai wald him sla. 68

And for he wald his lord succour,

He put his lif in aventur.

And stud in-till a busk lurkand

Quhill that the hund com at his hand, 72

And with ane arrow soyn him slew,

And throu the wod syne hym withdrew.

Bot quhethir his eschaping fell

As I tald first, or now I tell, 76

I wat it weill, without lesyng,

At that burn eschapit the King.

The Bruce

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