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Services Created in Silos Are Experienced in Bits


The challenge for many service providers is that they are organized in ways that actually prevent them from delivering good service experiences. Often, each bit of the service is well designed, but the service itself hasn’t been designed. The problem is that customers don’t just care about individual touchpoints. They experience services in totality and base their judgment on how well everything works together to provide them with value (Figure 2.3).

Another complicating factor is that quality can vary dramatically from one service touchpoint to another. If the people who develop online banking don’t harmonize quality and coordinate routines with the people who manage the bank’s call center, customers are bound to experience disappointment.

The industrial legacy of treating services like products means that services often underperform and disappoint because they cannot be fixed in the same way as problems with products. Services are about interactions between people, and their motivations and behaviors. Marketers and designers often talk of products having personalities, but an iPhone or a Volkswagen doesn’t wake up with a hangover, worry about paying the rent, or care who is using them. People do, which is why understanding people is at the heart of service design.

FIGURE 2.3 The service experience is made up of the customer’s interactions with many touchpoints, and service quality can be defined by how well the touchpoints work together for the customer.

Service Design

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