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Bali is an island of inviting beaches, imposing mountains and great physical beauty. The topography is dominated by an east-west chain of volcanoes with a multitude of rivers that cut deep ravines as they flow from the highlands to the surrounding sea. The abundance of water and the uncommon fertility of the volcanic soils result in luxurious growth throughout the island. The southern plains are extensively cultivated with rice fields watered by an ancient, complex irrigation system. The spiritual and social lives of the Balinese are strongly influenced by this unique geography. The lofty mountains are believed to be the abode of the Gods; humans live in the middle ground; while the sea below is the domain of evil spirits. This mountain-to-sea axis aligns the layouts of villages, houses and rooms, and orients the Balinese throughout their lives.

This active volcano is thought to be the “navel of the world” and the home of the spirits of Balinese ancestors.

are offerings to the Gods which accompany every stage of the rice-growing process.

and other spectacular beaches attract tourists and serve as a spiritual place for cleansing ceremonies.

The terraced rice fields of Bali are an artist's paradise with colors changing from green to the yellow-orange hue at harvest time. Rice is the single most important food crop in Bali. Good volcanic soils, plentiful rain and ingenious irrigation networks produce three crops of rice every fourteen months.

Artist's Journey to Bali

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