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are black and white checked fabrics that balance high and low spirits.

is a woven image of the rice goddess Dewi Sri that symbolizes wealth and fertility.

The true magic of Bali lies in her beautiful people and their religion which provides an all-encompassing structure for their lives. The Balinese form of Hinduism evolved over centuries. It is a composite of ancient animistic beliefs and successive waves of Buddhist and Hindu influences from Java. The unique rituals and ceremonies resulting from this mix is the heart of Balinese culture. The Balinese believe their universe is under the influence of competing forces of order and disorder. Their religion is focused on rituals, ceremonies and behavior designed to maintain a balance between these forces. For the average Balinese, dogma and philosophy play little role in religion. A devout Balinese need only make daily offerings and participate fully in village and temple ceremonies.

Images of gods and demons are evident everywhere in Bali. However, these many gods are all manifestations of the one supreme god, Ida Sanghyang Widhi. One important manifestation is the Trinity [Trisabti] consisting of: Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Siwa the Destroyer. Their Trinity is embodied in every temple and symbolized by the colors red, white and black in ceremonial cloths and decorations. Also evident are other gods, demons and protective spirits. In keeping with their view of a universe of good and evil, high and low, and sekala and niskala [the visible and the invisible], the Balinese also believe in black magic, ghosts and evil spirits. Many of their arts were developed to create beautiful and elaborate forms to appease and balance these opposing forces.

are decorative bamboo poles symbolizing fertility that line the streets during Kuningan and Galungan, the two most important festivals in Bali. These offerings are also found in rice fields.

are fearsome characters on stilts during Nyepi, the Day of Silence.

Artist's Journey to Bali

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