Читать книгу Unleashing Your Inner Leader - Bevenour Vickie - Страница 17

Chapter 1
You and Your Inner Leader
About You


As you absorb case and client studies in the pages that follow, the exercises in the book will challenge you to recognize the opportunities to lead that you may have not recognized in the past. To that end, have you ever asked yourself something similar to one of these questions?

● Have I ever wanted to stand up and lead someone and did not?

● Have I ever left a meeting wondering why it was someone else who voiced the important point, when I was thinking the same thing all along?

● Have I ever been late in volunteering for a lead role, only to have it given to someone else?

● Have I ever been in the position to take a calculated risk and at the last minute decided against the move?

● Have I ever wanted to be a better leader and not known where to start?

If any of these situations resonate with you, then I would ask you the following questions: What made you hesitate? What got in your way?

As my years of coaching more than 4,000 business professionals in 17 countries shows, the answers have been as varied as the individuals and the industries that they work in. However, the resulting concept is always similar; everyone has a leader within him or her, and with some help, everyone can unleash that leader to become powerful and impactful. That is what this book will show you how to do – unleash your Inner Leader.

In Chapter 2, you will meet Alexandra. As you absorb her story, look for parallels from her experience to apply to yourself. Make the commitment to know yourself, understand your strengths and weaknesses completely, and find clarity about yourself and the value that you have to offer. Peeling back these layers will reveal for you that when you truly know yourself and you have unmistakable clarity on who you are and what your value is, then you become a highly effective business professional, and your Inner Leader will be unleashed.

Unleashing Your Inner Leader

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