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It may seem incongruous that a martial artist is co-authoring a book on health and healing. For nearly half a century I have been studying, practicing, and teaching Chinese martial arts. You may wonder, what do gentle energy exercises have to do with kicking and punching? For three decades, I have discovered the value of integrating Qigong with self-defense. All of our students, from combat practitioners to wellness enthusiasts, do standing meditation, moving Qigong, and my signature exercise, The Universal Form.

And how is this relevant to Bob Ellal’s testament of overcoming cancer? Many ancient Chinese martial arts masters transformed their deep knowledge of qi, anatomy, physiology, and psychology to develop physical and meditative exercises to promote health, healing, and longevity.

Martial arts, after all, are about empowerment. Traditionally Kung fu masters pursued the guarded secrets of Qigong energy training to attain superior mental, physical, and spiritual power for extraordinary feats of strength. In time, they discovered that energy is neutral; qi can be used negatively or positively, to injure or to heal.

Mature martial artists who are initiated into the deeper meanings of the art realize that the aim of qi for self-protection expands beyond fighting; it is also preventive exercise against the assaults of life’s afflictions: stress, injury, illness, and the debilitating effects of aging. As such, Qigong has value for everyone. Especially for Energy Warriors, like Bob, who cultivate their qi energy for healing. Qigong was incorporated into Bob’s allopathic cancer treatment. Naturally, those who are healthy may enjoy the preventive benefits and sense of wellbeing.


I am fighting the cancer. I have attacked the Monster: I meditate, exercise, eat right, take herbs, maintain a positive attitude, and never quit. In the face of the horror of that battle, I am a warrior. —Bob Ellal

Bob Ellal is an Energy Warrior. What does that mean? As with all practitioners of Qigong, the ancient Chinese system of self-care, he is dedicated to cultivating the life force energy for optimum health, wellbeing, and longevity. But, unlike most practitioners, Bob had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Undaunted, after doctors advised him to get his affairs in order, Bob discovered Qigong as one of his weapons against cancer.

He became an Energy Warrior, one who uses these energetic psychophysical exercises to complement allopathic treatment in his fight against pain and disease. From the perspective of Western medicine, he overcame the statistical odds of surviving Stage Four cancer. Yet, even more remarkable, he averted the fatal consequences not just once, but four times.

Bob’s courage and determination to practice The Standing Post meditation, visualization, and breathing, helped him cope with the demoralizing ravages of chemotherapy, depression, and chronic pain. As such, Bob is an Energy Warrior, providing insight for others incapacitated by health challenges. He introduces the practical benefits of Qigong as a supplement to conventional treatment to help others alleviate physical pain, diminish emotional anguish, and, perhaps, triumphantly survive.

We are not proposing that Qigong is a panacea for cancer or disease. Like many re-discovered ancient secret methods, there are extravagant claims on the so-called supernatural martial and healing powers of qi touted by enthusiasts, well-intentioned but misguided. Much is nonsense based on pseudo science, wishful thinking, or uncritical reasoning, and perpetuated by unscrupulous experts for ego gratification or commercial benefits. Some are charlatans. Be prudent.

That said, there is real power and magic to Qigong. Sadly, the great value of this holistic knowledge for stress control, enhanced health and healing is not yet appreciated in the West. Our Energy Warrior Qigong Manual is a basic introduction to guide you to practice, discover, and experience the magic of qi for yourself. Qigong’s still and moving meditations are simple to learn and easy to do. Millions of people worldwide practice Qigong every day. Won’t you join us?

Energy Warriors

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