Читать книгу Project Management for Humans - Brett Harned - Страница 10

You’re the PM Now


What Is a Project Manager?

The Role vs. the Title

The Qualities of Good Project Management

Typical PM Tasks

The PM Is the Backbone

TL; DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read)

The heartbreaking truth of being the project management speaker.

I had the privilege to speak at Web Design Day, an excellent conference hosted by Val and Jason Head in Pittsburgh, PA, in 2011. Naturally, my topic was project management, and I spoke to a room full of designers and developers . . . with a project manager (PM) sprinkled in here and there. I knew the room was not full of “my people,” and I was excited about it, because I firmly believed that PM skills were necessary for anyone to be successful in project work. I was up for the challenge and willing to take a risk, knowing that I might put some people to sleep. I made my presentation, which covered some PM basics, and was met with a positive response and a good number of questions. It was energizing!

After my session ended, I had a line of people waiting to introduce themselves, start a discussion, or ask a question. I was flattered by this until I spoke to the first person in line, who said, “I’ve never worked with a good project manager.”

It was like he had shoved a rusty dagger right into my heart. Really hard. And it hurt!

I recovered quickly, and we talked about the expectations of PMs, how they could help him as a developer, and what their projects together might look like. At the end of the conversation, I decided that maybe the PM in question wasn’t that bad. Perhaps the role and the expectations of that PM were never truly set. I offered my advice and asked him to have an honest conversation with his PM about what’s needed from his role and how they could partner to make the work stronger.

I like to think that my advice helped and that an unknown, wayward project manager succeeded. I know that the conversation made me even more eager to champion the cause of digital project management and set some standards for the industry.

Project Management for Humans

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