Читать книгу Revenge of the Translator - Brice Matthieussent - Страница 4


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Vengeance du Traducteur Copyright © P.O.L Editeur, 2009

English translation copyright © Emma Ramadan, 2018


978-1-941920-70-1 (ebook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018936731

Quoted material on p. vii is from Letters to Milena by Franz Kafka, translated by Philip Boehm. Copyright © 1990. Used by permission of Schocken Books, a division of Penguin Random House. All rights reserved.

Quoted material on p. 10 is from The Book of Imaginary Beings by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Andrew Hurley, illustrated by Peter Sis. Copyright © 2005. Used by permission of Penguin Random House. All rights reserved.

The quote on p. 23 is a reworking of the opening lines to The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, by Vladimir Nabokov. Copyright © 1941. Used by permission of New Directions. All rights reserved.

This work received the French Voices Award for excellence in publication and translation. French Voices is a program created and funded by the French Embassy in the United States and FACE (French American Cultural Exchange).

Cover design by Anna Zylicz · annazylicz.com

Typesetting by Kirby Gann · kirbygann.net

Text set in Bembo, a typeface modeled on typefaces cut by Francesco Griffo for Aldo Manuzio’s printing of De Aetna in 1495 in Venice.

Distributed by Consortium Book Sales & Distribution.

Revenge of the Translator

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