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(A Little Bit) About Etiquette


Chances are, when you signed your membership contract, some gorgeous, in-shape membership-sign—up-person went over the do’s-and-don’ts of the gym.

Chances are, you weren’t paying attention.

The gorgeous, in-shape-ness of the membership-sign-up-person had something to do with it—

--but mostly, you figured you already knew the do’s-and-don’ts of the gym.

(And if you didn’t, you’d get the hang of it by the end of your first workout; common sense, right?)

You’ve got common sense—it’s why you decided to get your ass in shape.

You do need to get your ass in shape.

You’d be amazed, however, at the number of common-sense looking gym members—and the number of them at your very gym—who have no common sense at all.

So for those guys (--and surely, you’re not one of them, right--) here’s one pretty basic/incredibly important rule of thumb.

Wipe the equipment down after using it.

Yeah, you’ve just hit a personal best on your bench press. You’re straddling that half dead/feel like a million bucks line as you writhe your way out from under that barbell; either way, you feel both a little bit stronger, and a little bit lighter.

(You are.)

Because you’ve just left two gallons of sweat all over the bench—the bench you’re now walking away from.

The bench the next guy who wants to hit a personal best on is looking at, disgusted.

To avoid a barbell upside the head (and, subsequently, heading to the Pec Deck only to discover that it, too, is soaked) take a second and wipe the equipment down after finishing your sets.

It sets an example to the other new guys (--the ones without any common sense--) and ensures the next piece of equipment you approach will be similarly sanitized.

(Karma is a bitch.)

It seems simple, sure—and, given the amount of bodies that hold said barbells, or lie across said benches, you would hope it is common practice—and it very well could be.

Just do your part in keeping it that way.

The Meathead Manifesto

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