Читать книгу The Meathead Manifesto - Brody McVittie - Страница 2



This is advice for guys.

Guys who workout as hard as they party.

Guys who know what the ‘Mr. Olympia’ is.

Guys who subscribe to Flex.

Guys who know 38 variations of the chest press;

Guys who are probably clueless when it comes to women.

Guys like me.

When I was asked to write a series of bodybuilding articles for a renowned fitness website, I was thrilled.


I could do this in my sleep—and the result of that series, more or less, makes up Book 1: Meditations on lifting heavy things, (many times in a row.)

There’s advice in there for everybody, but be warned—if you don’t know your ‘Dexter Jackson’s from your ‘Branch Warren’s, you’re gonna need Google nearby.

Bearing that in mind, the message is for everybody who ever wanted to get the most out of their time in the gym.

When I was asked to write a series of relationship advice articles for a popular Toronto lifestyle website, I. Was. Terrified. Bewildered.

This was harder than seventh grade math—which was, coincidentally, about the time of my last mature, meaningful relationship.

I fooled my editor, though, and the articles contained in Book 2: Meditations on Girls, and stuff are the result of countless failed conquests with dozens of disappointed women.

When I was asked to write a series of articles on Nutrition, it was by me. To fill out the contents of this book.

I was pretty happy about it.

Bear in mind that I’m not a certified nutritionist—I’m just a guy who took an interest in building muscles, and the science behind feeding them.

Book 3: Meditations on Nutrition . . . and Supplementation (. . . and other stuff I’m grossly unqualified to give advice on) pretty much shares everything I’ve stumbled upon up to this point.

As a Certified Personal Trainer, I want to help my clients reach their fitness goals. As a writer, I want to give people the knowledge (and, hopefully, some motivation) to take their physique to the next level.

I know I’m trying to, everyday.

Hopefully, if you’re reading this, you can learn something from this meathead’s mistakes.

The Meathead Manifesto

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