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ОглавлениеUsage of the Edgar Cayce Readings
The Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.), is a membership organization for those interested in the study and use of the Cayce readings.
For reference purposes and to preserve anonymity, each person who received a reading was given a number, and the reading carries that number instead of the name of the person. For example, reading number 3902-2 was given for the person assigned number 3902. This particular reading was the second one that person obtained from Cayce, as indicated by the “-2” following the reading number.
I used the readings in this volume in several ways.
They are quoted verbatim, paraphrased, or used as a reference source. Used as a reference source, the reading excerpt may be included in the chapter notes or the reference number may be given so that the seeker can research the subject further, if desired.
In giving readings, Cayce sometimes used archaic biblical language. In order to make these easier to understand, I have received A.R.E. approval to substitute modern English language equivalents for the archaic words. These substitutions do not change the meaning of the message. In these cases the reference reading number is followed by the designation AR for “Archaic Revised.”
In some cases I have, for clarity, paraphrased a reading. The reading number in this case is followed by P for “paraphrased.”