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Chapter 1

How the Universal Laws Affect Your Life

Imagine with me for a moment that every aspect of this world is operated by laws—laws that are created out of kindness and love; laws that result in your having exactly what you need when you need it, that always work for the highest good of all; laws that are completely impartial, that apply to everyone equally everywhere throughout our world; laws that work without prejudice, without bias, without judges and courts and trials and lawyers, without bribery; laws that are just and beneficial for everyone at all times and in all places.

What a wonderful world that would be!

The great and exciting news is that this vision is a true one—this is the way our world is right now. There are such laws in operation in our lives—each day, each hour, and each minute. They are the Universal Laws, the vital laws of life!

You are probably asking yourself, “How can this be? My life is chaotic, unpredictable, filled with uncertainties, problems, and difficulties. When I watch the nightly news, I see a parade of the world’s failures and problems. I see no good answers and few satisfactory solutions. How can we claim that the laws of the universe are just and beneficial for everyone?”

It is indeed a strange and disturbing world because both conditions exist and co-exist. This paradox of a world of law, beauty, and order co-existing with an ugly world of chaos and suffering can be confusing if we don’t understand how and why such conditions exist.

The great joy, the great hope, the answer to this paradox lies in coming to an understanding of the Universal Laws, for they produce both conditions. They create chaos and suffering when we misapply them. They create beauty and harmony in our lives when we use them in the highest way. Therefore, these laws are the keys by which you and I can make our lives and our world what we would like it to be.

We can make this transition by coming to know and understand the Universal Laws and then by constructively applying them in our lives. As we do this, we will transform our own personal world from the uncertain, chaotic, and traumatic one we have been living in to one of understanding, peace, and constructive growth—no matter what may be going on in the world around us. This is the great potential that the Universal Laws offer each of us. In addition, when we begin to understand these laws, we begin to realize why our life is the way it is, why the world is the way it is, and how we have helped to make them so.

The Universal Laws are fundamental laws of mind and of spirit, of which most of us are not aware. They are not mind-control or positive-thinking techniques. They are, rather, the basic principles by which life operates. You and I experience daily—minute by minute, hour by hour—the results of the operation of universal laws in our lives. We normally don’t associate these experiences with laws or realize they are governed by law. So, for a moment let’s consider a few examples of the operation of universal law in the physical aspects of our lives.

Join me for a while as I sit here by the window. Notice the prism on the ledge which breaks the rays of the sun into the beautiful array of colors, which move across the ceiling of my room as the sun moves from east to west. The universal laws of optics and of light are operating right here. A jet trail, like a finger, traces across the sky; the plane flying by its use of the laws of aerodynamics. Minutes later a cloud moves in from behind the mountains, and snow starts falling. The moisture in the clouds precipitates into snow at a precise temperature and condition, by law, and the snow falls in accord with the law of gravity. Trees and a meadow in the distance display their autumn and winter colors through the operation of the laws of nature.

Night falls, and we see the stars and planets in their stately movement across the heavens, their positions governed by the laws of planetary motion. A satellite, following the same laws, is on its way to an empty point of space millions of miles away. When it arrives in that particular area, a planet will be passing through at that precise time in accord with the laws. The satellite will transmit pictures and data back to us over these millions of miles, all possible because we know and use the laws of radio transmission.

We come back into the room, flip the light switch, and light fills the room as the laws of electricity operate precisely and predictably. The laws of hydraulics provide water for our showers at the turn of a spigot, water that is heated according to the laws of thermodynamics.

Our cars, our telephones, our television sets—everything operates in accord with the universal laws that apply to each. If it were not so, these instruments could not be designed to function reliably. Realize that the universal laws by which these devices operate have been in existence from the beginning of time. Humankind has only recently discovered them and learned how to put them to use.

For the purpose of this book we are interested in these laws of the physical plane only to realize that they truly are laws and that they are evidence of the fact that “Everything in the earth is ruled by law.” (3902-2)* We are included in that “everything,” for the universal laws are operating in every experience of our lives, no matter who we are or where we are or what we are doing.


You may have a negative reaction to the thought that you are subject to Universal Laws; most of us prefer to be completely free of any sort of restriction. There is no need for concern. These laws are not restrictive. They are truly laws created out of love which will produce every good in your life, if you choose to work with them in the right way. Not only are there laws governing everything at all levels—spiritual, mental, and physical—but they are guided, guarded, watched over, and kept in accord with divine love.1

The essence and purpose of all universal laws and the reason for their existence is to manifest the infinite love of the Universe to you and to me.

(Universe here is synonymous with God and Creator and Creative Forces.)

Consider the comprehensive nature, the extent, and the importance to us of the physical universal laws, such as laws of electricity, chemistry, hydraulics, atomic physics, radio transmission, planetary motion, nature’s laws of growth and reproduction, and many others. It seems only reasonable that the Creative Force which provided those laws for us would likewise provide laws of mind and spirit that we could equally rely on to effectively function in our lives. Many sources, ancient and modern, including the Bible, other sacred texts, and seers throughout the ages from Hermes to today’s psychics, assure us that that is the case. It would not have been logical or consistent for the Creator to provide precise laws for the physical world and to have left the functioning of the mental/spiritual world of humankind to chance or worse.


As you first begin to work with the Universal Laws of mind and spirit, you will learn how to meet and resolve the problems or traumatic conditions that you face.

Second, as you come to know these Universal Principles of mind and spirit and effectively apply them, you begin to live so as to create more peace, joy, and understanding in your life. Others see the change in you. As a result, you become an example to them.

Third, you come to realize that the Universal Laws are vital to your life, for you see how they determine the conditions you experience. You come to understand how through these laws you make or break your relationships, your career, your finances, your life.

Fourth, as you become aware of the Universal Laws and use them effectively, you transform yourself and your life; you create joy in your relationships, success in your career, and abundance in many forms in your experience.

Fifth and most important, your life becomes a fulfilling one because your actions will be in accord with the purpose of the Universe.

For the above reasons, the Universal Laws of life are as important to us as the air we breathe or the food we eat. Yet these laws are little recognized or understood in today’s world. Relatively few people know them, and even fewer try to apply them in their lives. The laws are rarely taught in our educational systems. Where they are set forth in the world’s literature, they are seldom seen in their true significance and even less understood in their relation to life.

To try to live without understanding the Universal Laws is like your trying to drive a car without knowing how to control it. The results can be disastrous even though you may be trying hard to drive correctly. Likewise, if you do not understand the Universal Laws by which your life operates, you can end up in difficulty, chaos, pain, and confusion without understanding the reasons. Therefore, it is vital to your happiness and that of others that you learn these laws of our lives and how to constructively use them.2


There is a missing link in the world today: a true, clear, basic understanding of how our lives operate. Understanding of Universal Law is that missing link! It is the fundamental means through which we can consciously take charge of and redirect our lives with the awareness of what we are truly creating.

A key to the great advances in the material world was the understanding of Newton’s laws and quantum physics. In the mental/spiritual world the equivalent to that discovery is the realization and understanding of Universal Law as the fundamental fabric of our lives.

To begin to learn and apply these laws beneficially, we need to come to an understanding of their basic nature. A universal law is not like the laws of a city, state, or nation. A universal law applies throughout the world and the universe. Most important, it applies to each one of us, to everyone we know and don’t know, without exception and regardless of place, economic condition, color, or creed.

An example of a universal law in the physical world is the law of gravity. It applies everywhere on earth. Whether you jump off a cliff in California or Peru, the result is the same—down you go! The law applies equally to all human beings. When you jump off that cliff, the effect is equally certain whether you are a son or a daughter, a janitor or the president—down you go! It even applies to things. If you toss out a rock from the cliff—down it goes!

The law of gravity is in operation night and day, winter and summer, this century as well as the last one. It never rests and never changes! It shows no partiality for anyone. It is available to all. We can use it as we choose. It is completely reliable, always there, and does not change.3

The law of gravity demonstrates some of the basic characteristics of all universal laws, including those of the mental and spiritual. Using these characteristics and my understanding of the universal laws gained from the Cayce readings and other sources, I have formulated this simple definition:4

A Universal law is an unbreakable, unchangeable principle of life that operates inevitably, all the time.

We can define the universal laws as a group as follows:

The universal laws are unbreakable, unchangeable principles of life that operate inevitably, in all phases of our life and existence, for all human beings and all things, everywhere, all the time.

This definition makes clear the universality of the laws and the all-encompassing nature of them in our lives. It also reveals to us, if we think about it, a deep sense of the impartiality, the equality, and the fairness to all as well as the perfection that is inherent in them.

The universal laws are also referred to by others as principles or universal principles, as laws of consciousness or laws of mind action.

We need to recognize that there are multiple universal laws which interact. For example, you know from experience that, if you are in a swimming pool, gravity will cause you to sink. If, however, you apply the law of flotation by using a float of some sort, the pull of gravity can be counteracted. Both the law of gravity and the law of flotation are in full operation. We have not changed the laws, only the results. By effectively employing the laws, results can be dramatically changed.

The great importance of our coming to know and effectively live the Universal Laws in our lives is further emphasized by a beautiful statement from the Cayce readings. It tells us how you and I may use the laws to a greater purpose:

To Spirit, to Spirit’s Universal Laws, must all come; the nearer we apply those laws in keeping with divine love, the greater blessings to self, the greater may be the blessings of self upon others. (2906-1)P5

Each of us has the opportunity to bring “greater blessings to self … greater … blessings of self upon others.” To achieve this goal, we need to understand the meaning of the above statement. Some of us will think of “Spirit” and “divine love” in terms of God, Jesus, the Christ, the Christ within, the Father, or the One. Others may think in terms of the Universe, the Buddha, the Infinite, Krishna, the Universal Consciousness, the Source, the Force, the Creator, Creative Force, Energy, Universal Forces, or some other name. The readings are open to the acceptance of any concept based on the existence of one supreme being, force, power, or spirit regardless of name or concept. We are invited to use the understanding which best fits our particular background, concepts, and spiritual orientation, based on the highest ideal which we individually can comprehend.

Because the power or force or nature of Spirit is not limited to a name, we can feel free to use any name for it or for aspects of it with which we feel comfortable. With that understanding, the above quotation from the Cayce readings explains that as we apply the Universal Laws from the highest consciousness which we individually can achieve at this point, regardless of how we identify it, we can bring greater blessings to ourselves and to others.

The “others” who are recipients of these benefits are far more extensive than we realize. The Cayce readings explain that one reason we are here in the earth plane is to learn and understand the Universal Laws.6 As we do, we not only bring about our own development, but by our growth we also raise the consciousness of the world. What a challenge to know that our individual efforts to grow in understanding and application of the laws can actually benefit the whole world!


Each one of the Universal Laws is a law of transformation!

All of the Universal Laws are guideposts to your path of transformation. They give the basic principles involved so that you know what is required of you if you choose to transform your life. Regardless of where you are in your development, they will map the steps you need to take. The laws provide a clear path to follow by which you can progress from one stage to another as you grow in understanding and practice. They are not only the guideposts, but together they form an overall picture—a complete path for your transformation.

Let’s consider for a moment that overall picture of the Universal Laws. Each one of the Universal Laws is like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, each contributing to a portion of the picture. Taken together, they form a complete mosaic showing how life can be lived to make it more meaningful and to bring peace, contentment, and joy.

There is a right way to put the puzzle together. Four major phases or levels are involved on your path to transformation with the Universal Laws. These can best be represented by imagining that you are building a pyramid (see Figure 1). Each level represents a state of consciousness with the laws related to that level. Higher levels are higher states of consciousness.

Remember, however, that only you can complete these phases for yourself.


Start at the bottom with the laws that form the base of the pyramid, the foundation-stone laws. These are the simple but extremely important “Universal Laws of Cause and Effect.” These laws provide a logical basis for understanding why our life is the way it is and who is responsible. These are the laws by which the world, to a great degree, unknowingly operates.

You build the second level of the pyramid with the “Higher Universal Laws for Your Transformation and Attunement.” These are the laws by which you begin to change the nature of your life from what it is today to what you hope it can be. With these laws, you can begin to heal and to transform yourself as you learn:

1. What transformation is, the laws that govern it, and the basic steps to achieve transformation of yourself;

2. Your relation to and the nature of your Creator;

3. Your purpose on the earth and ways to achieve your purpose through the Universal Laws;

4. The master law of manifestation and how you continually build your life with it;

5. The laws of attunement, keys to effective transformation;

6. The laws of guidance and how you can obtain guidance for any condition you face;

7. The laws of self and your true relation to others;

8. The law of balance for your life; and

9. Ways to apply the laws effectively to achieve the highest good for yourself and others.

The third level, “Universal Laws for Transformation of Your Relations with Others,” enables the seeker to heal relationships with others through the master laws of relationships and the laws of forgiveness, mercy, and grace. These will enable you to move from karmic conditions to grace through the Universal Laws.

The capstone of the pyramid consists of the “Universal Laws of Enlightenment.” These represent the crowning achievement of life through which you are able to develop your full potential, which is far greater than you can conceive from any other levels. These Universal Laws lead to the ultimate goal in transformation. This achievement is described in various ways, such as samadhi, God realization, Cosmic Consciousness, or the Christ Consciousness.

In this volume we will work to build the necessary foundation, primarily the first two levels shown in Figure 1.

Most of us will discover that we know little about the laws, even on the first level. We may have heard of them. We may have considered them only as trite sayings, without ever having understood their significance. It is here that we start our work—at the foundation-stone level with the “Universal Laws of Cause and Effect.”

*The statement quoted is from an Edgar Cayce reading given for the person assigned number 3902 for anonymous identification. See “Introduction” and “Usage of the Edgar Cayce Readings” for more information on the readings and their numerical classification.

Your Life

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