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My wonderful wife of the past fifty years has been deeply involved with me in the preparation of this book. She is my spiritual teacher as well. Charlotte’s ever-loving, encouraging, and discerning spirit has truly made it all possible. Her patience, her thorough understanding, research, and organization of material, coupled with her willingness to give completely of her time, talents, energy, and ideas have made this book a co-creation—indeed, it is our fourth “child.”

The teachings and sharings of another of my family of spiritual teachers, my son David McArthur, who is a Unity minister in Spokane, Washington, have been particularly valuable and helpful. The others of that family, my daughter Sue Clemans and my son Thomas, have been wonderfully encouraging and helpful; each has made his or her own unique and important contribution to this work.

This book owes its existence to the dedicated life and work of Edgar Cayce and those who, through the years, have recognized the great value and stature of his readings, preserved them, and made them available to all. In particular, some who have been the greatest help to me include Everett Irion, Hugh Lynn Cayce, Mae St. Clair, Gladys Davis, Eula Allen, Elsie Sechrist, and Charles Thomas Cayce. There are many others whose lectures, books, and personal sharing have been invaluable. Dr. Robert Jeffries’ review and encouragement of my first efforts in writing this book were very helpful and much appreciated.

The contributions made by Al Miner, Joshua Setliff, and Mary-Margaret Moore through their published and unpublished works have been of great value in providing additional viewpoints and information on Universal Laws.

I have greatly appreciated the contributions of those who have edited this book for me: Bea Morton, Ph.D., Associate Professor Emeritus of the English Department, Bowling Green State University of Ohio; Annita Harlan, Ph.D., Research Associate, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona; and A. Robert Smith, author of several books and editor of Venture Inward, the magazine of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. Each, through his or her unique talents, has made an outstanding contribution to this work.

Joe Dunn, Editor-in-Chief, A.R.E. Press, through his diligent work has helped me greatly to clarify and enhance the theme and subjects of this book to a far greater degree than I would ever have thought possible. His cooperation, encouragement, and inspiring guidance are deeply appreciated.

Kay Kennedy’s ideas, suggestions, examples, enthusiasm, and great spirit have been deeply appreciated and were of major importance.

“Bear” Albrecht, computer genius, has added years to my life!

In production of the manuscript, Marie Allen’s cheerful attitude, commitment, dedication, top quality work, and patience through countless drafts and changes made it an enjoyable process. Liz Winslow’s talents were of great help. Nancy Martinez added to that with her willingness to do whatever was needed carefully, effectively, and always with a smile.

Thank you one and all!

Bruce McArthur

Your Life

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