Читать книгу The Feminist Financial Handbook - Brynne Conroy - Страница 13


Take Action

•Stop trying to find happiness. Instead, look for purpose and meaning in your life.

•Make a list of things that give you purpose outside of earning an income.

•Make a list of the people who your work helps. This could be anyone from your coworkers to your children to society at large.

•What is something you’d like to learn more about? Make a conscious goal to learn more about it this week. Do the same the following week until indulging your curiosities has become a habit.

•Identify one way you’d like to participate in your democracy. You don’t have to run for office, and there are things you can do even on those occasions when there aren’t any marches. Find one that has meaning for you, and commit to following through with action.

The Feminist Financial Handbook

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