Читать книгу The Feminist Financial Handbook - Brynne Conroy - Страница 15


Take Action

•Cut down your expenses as much as possible—though I recognize you likely have already.

•Read Chapter 4 to find out how to get a formal education for free if you don’t already have one.

•Start reading at least one article a day on a financial topic you are interested in learning more about. (You could also consume one YouTube video, podcast episode, etc.) This will help you find community and support and change your digital environment.

•Figure out your “why.” What is your ultimate motivation that will keep you going even when times get hard or the system tries to push you back down?

•Research and enroll in any programs that will help you access the resources you need—whether those resources are food, childcare, rent money, transportation, or cash.

•Know that times will get hard, but do everything you can to bolster your hope of better days ahead. The hope doesn’t mean they will absolutely happen, but without that hope, you’re sure to stay where you are or even slip further into poverty.

•If you find your own way out of poverty, reach out to your community and show them how you did it. Now that you have achieved, it’s time to show everyone else that your hope was not unfounded and that they may be able to achieve their goals, too, despite “the man.”

The Feminist Financial Handbook

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