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Free your soul

[Carlos Arroba]

First edition: July 2020

Photography and symbology: Carlos Arroba

Musical selection: Carlos Arroba

© Copyright of the work: Carlos Arroba Díaz

© Copyright of the edition: Angels Fortune Editions

ISBN: 978-84-121867-3-4

ISBN digital: 978-84-121867-4-1

Legal Deposit:B-9744-2020

Literary Correction: Arantxa Comes

Cover Design: Celia Valero

Layout: Celia Valero

Editing by Ma Isabel Montes Ramírez

© Angels Fortune Editions www.angelsfortuneditions.com

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Author’s notes

How to read this book

This is not a customary book, it’s not a novel, it’s not a tale, it’s not what you always thought a book should be.

These are direct messages from your soul for you to listen to, emotions channelled and freed through the heart of the author of this book.

It’s a continuous chapter of emotions and feelings without any order. For emotions and feelings don’t come in order, you just need to feel them, that’s all.

Be brave to explore every chapter independently, as if you were at that moment of your past life when you were feeling what the chapter is about.

If you want to read it in order, allow your soul to open the book at the page she wishes, for that chapter is what you’ll need at that moment of your life.

Or, if you prefer, there’s another way to read it. In this Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/mensajesdesdetualma you’ll find a selection of photographs. Feel free to choose the photograph that strikes you the most, as the picture you’ve chosen will lead you to the chapter your soul wants you to read at that moment.

You’ll find the chapter’s number and title in the comments with each photograph, thus leading you to the chapter you need to read at that precise moment.

You’ll use your sense of sight, your unconscious, your own empathy and intuition to access what you need to read.

When you put empathy, intuition, logic, conscience, wisdom, intelligence, art, emotion and feelings together, magic moments arise.

You’ll also find philosophy, psychology, science, religion, coaching and personal development, but above all there is love in these texts, which were written to free emotions using the heart.

It’s an abstract idea of life, to live the life you always wished to live.

These are the whispers that your soul wants to communicate to you at this very moment of your life

What will you find on my pages?

Life as it is

It’s not by chance that you have chosen me. Something inside you compelled you to read me. What you see from the outside, on the cover, you want to experience it yourself.

You are walking in circles, looking for the same thing that the author of this book did for so long, and it’s as simple as knowing oneself and being at peace.

I’m just a book, I can’t tell you anything, I’ll just show you what the author wanted to record in me so it will echo in your soul.

The person who engraved on me the pieces of his soul is Carlos Arroba Díaz. According to my perception, his texts show he’s a highly sensitive person. Many branded him as a lunatic, a pot-head, an idealist and a hardly practical person. He would define himself as an experience hunter, a world observer and, above all, an emotion alchemist and an energy transmuter. Until recently, he was a system administrator with a twentyyear career on his shoulders. He learned from scratch, teaching himself. At present, he’s focused on releasing emotions through creativity, using the spotlight of his mind and the energy gathered in his hands. He helps people to get reconnected with their essence, to be reunited with their own creativity, with their divineness. He thinks of himself as an experience hunter because he has felt almost all of them, especially those that modern society would consider bad ones, only they are lessons of life that we must overcome to find ourselves and be ourselves. He writes these very words to you but prefers to remain in the background and let his soul express what his mind only thinks but doesn’t carry out.

What else would you like me to say about him? Well, he writes from his heart and doesn’t follow any set rule or metrics. You will see in his texts the same ideas repeated many times, again and again, perhaps to highlight those items he deems very important.

Nor should you read me as if I were a novel, because I’m not. I’m the reflection of someone’s soul and mind expressed in words. I’m an oracle, I’m your layout of cards in Tarot, I’m the sharp thoughts of a hairsplitting mind.

I wouldn’t call this a novel, for this is someone’s naked essence, unconcealed and not bluepencilled whatsoever. This is attempting to explain a way to descend from the sky to the ground in order to be happy, to be yourself and find yourself after a life full of drama. It’s learning to stop being the victim of a society that wants and forces you to be one. His writing doesn’t belong to any literary style. Although it looks like an essay narrated as poetic prose, at times it is prose alone, at other times it is poetic prose, and sometimes an essay. What he uses is stellar grammar to convey what he feels and what he lives.

As his name shows, he’s someone devoted to communicating, hence the name Arroba (the Spanish word for the @ sign). Thus, he honours those ancestors who gave him his life, by creating his own style of writing and thinking which he calls ‘Arrobanticism’. They are the clan who gave him the skill to heal emotions with his mind and body energy. They are the clan who offered him the opportunity to use his whole intellect, logic, and consciousness to heal the emotions withheld inside other people’s bodies. That’s why he dedicates his own style to them, as a tribute to this whole gift they passed on him to become a communicator, a healer, an artist, and a philosopher.

A novel doesn’t leave you thinking about the meaning of your life after reading each of its chapters. You’ll have to read some texts again calmly because they bring too much information to a mind which never took the time to go so deep into itself. Some chapters are in contradiction to other ones, and there lays the beauty of change, of realising the different points of view that no other author bore in mind, and of evolving as a person into a different way of thinking. It’s a form of expression produced out of the essence, not filtering any texts, just editing misspellings and leaving the plainest language so it can be understood and the reader doesn’t get muddled over two full pages of the night is dark, cold and smells like a meadow. It’s simplifying the thought, the emotion, and the feeling to the minimal expression.

In short, it’s Arrobanticism, plain and simple. This author didn’t come to follow the rules, but to create his own. Farewell for now, until the author manages to create a worthy travel companion for me and succeeds in showing my essence through it.

I was never able to see the world, I never left these pages, but I did understand life by reading these words engraved on me.

Another way to read me is going through the chapters at random. Your soul will know which one you need to read; let yourself be guided by it and follow your intuition. The author will speak directly to you in more than one chapter and you’ll get to know him in greater depth. He’ll also say goodbye to you and will thank you for it. I thank you too for choosing me to become a part of you and to leave a mark on your soul.

All thinking is futile without an action arisen from the purpose of transmitting. I, as a quantum idea, am the result of putting together that thought, that energy and that purpose. The cover reflects what the author is now. I hope that your soul can understand the message C@rlos wants to send you, for that is his will. He doesn’t want to instil any laws or dogmas in you, because he doesn’t believe in them.

Get ready for the journey that your soul is proposing you to make, for everything you feel will be precisely what she wants to communicate to you. Remember your soul cannot be understood by your mind, feel with your heart. This journey you begin today will continue with more books as travel companions, just as I’m accompanying you now. Each of us will deal with different issues that will help you to evolve. This is just the beginning of the journey, there is still a long way to go.

C@rlos gives you what he once used to free his soul and it’s constantly changing, just like life itself.

Free your soul

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