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When you incarnated yourself on earth, before you went down, you decided who you would be and what you would do. You planned your life along with a whole group of souls that would help you along the path of your existence. They might have been your neighbours, your children, a stranger who came out of the blue that gave you a message, or your future self, leaving messages for your past self.

The point isn’t who the messenger is, but what the message is. That thing that awakens your conscience, that makes your life turn or change course. All the signs life is showing you are sending you to the same destination; though unclear to you, you are rocketing towards it. Signs might be a shop window, a message you read on your social media, any poster or sign you see on the street, that song you’re listening to with a title or lyrics you never took the time to consider.

For me, sometimes it’s seeing ambulances on the street―good things always happen to me when I see them. It’s you who must see the sign and read it, not everyone has the same perception, nor may the same message be useful for two different people. Each person is a universe of their own inside themselves, and signs are consequently perceived in different ways. Be attentive to those signs, so you can later interpret them and make the right decisions. It’s a little like following your intuition and letting yourself be led by these things; you don’t know where they are taking you, but you know it’s finally where you must be. Like that course you hurry up to join because it starts the following day, you jump into it not entirely knowing why, only that you must do it and be there that day, despite that the course itself doesn’t really mean a great deal to you. You know that something is going to happen, that you’ll meet someone special, or you’ll have an honest, unique conversation that will offer another point of view from how you see your own world.

When something is amiss within your family or your surroundings, that is a sign you must heed. Stop and realise what’s going on in your life. You have free will, and, if you choose to ignore the signs the universe is giving you, you might end up a failure.

It’s something you choose, like repeating unpleasant situations in your life, which you undergo over and over until you understand their meaning.

If you happen to be in this paradox, stop, breathe in, stay silent, cut yourself off from the world for a moment, clear your mind and let the answers reach you. Think carefully about what’s going on in your life, try and put some mental order into the situation before you carry out those actions still to be resolved. Should you not understand the situation, let go of that worry or problem, so the universe will show you why you always repeat the same mistake and it will give you the key or the lesson you need to learn.

Maybe you already have a friend or a relative who’s gone through this situation and he or she might help you. Ask for help in your inner circles, they might have the solution you are looking for. If you don’t put your problem into words, you’re keeping others from helping you.

You are often unaware of the responsibilities implied by your choices and of the fact that you are somehow trying to evade them. When you choose to have children, you know that your life is going to change and that it will be your responsibility to take care of them. You must take charge of that situation, but, if you don’t think you are capable, don’t assume that burden. Parenting is the greatest gift you can give to anyone, because you are creating a life from scratch and giving your time and your life to another being. Therefore, it’s the greatest act of generosity that can be offered to anyone. Rejoice at that loving act of devoting part of your life to another soul. Now, you must also accept that the time you share won’t be completely joyful. You must find a perfect balance to avoid being a slave or a tyrant to your children. You must keep changing between loosening and tightening very thin apron strings to achieve a balance often impossible to sustain.

The experience of being a father or a mother will be one of your challenges and lessons in life. It’s not a simple challenge, and it can bring out the best and the worst in you. It’s a learning experience about yourself that would have been impossible to gain should you have travelled alone or just with your partner. You’ll become your children’s teacher and they’ll become yours. They will get on your nerves and spot that weakness in you, which you didn’t know about, but gets you annoyed. You’ll do the same to them.

Another experience is taking care of your elders, though always through respect and distance. You must never take on the role of father with your own parents, otherwise you’ll be carrying a burden which doesn’t belong to you, and you won’t let them evolve. Let them be responsible for themselves and help them in their daily lives if they can’t manage on their own anymore. However, that is the limit, don’t try to live their lives or lead their course. Be the haven where all those sharing your life come to rest and share their life experiences.

Sharing your life with someone is your biggest learning experience, your full evolution towards a superior conscience. It’s understanding that the world is created to accumulate life experiences and keep being that love you are without losing peace, because you already are an evolved being. It’s your reason for living, sharing your world with those you love, that’s your life. It doesn’t matter if your life revolves around your pet, if you were raised by your grandparents, if you are an orphan, if you feel misunderstood within your family, etc. That whole situation is your choice, and you chose it yourself to evolve.

That situation you are in is what makes you grow and become your best self, because it’s unique to an infinite being such as yourself. Your evolution and personal development depend on you and your situations. So be grateful for all those life experiences that, painful as they seem, are for your greater good, because they make you grow in a way you would never expect.

It’s your life design, your personal and group evolution, for you might be that person making other people’s conscience expand, simply by means of your choices and actions, being a role model who teaches the world how simple living is, showing yourself just the way you are, without hiding anything negative or positive. In short, being you along with your consequences. Be attentive to signs, though finally you make the choices and you are the one who chooses your life.

Free your soul

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