Читать книгу The F*ck It Diet - Caroline Dooner - Страница 2



CAROLINE DOONER is a writer, storyteller, performer, and yoga teacher (who mostly just teaches resting), a former yo-yo dieter, and the creator of The Fuck It Diet. She studied improv at UCB and received a BFA in acting from NYU, and consequently spent her early twenties in leotards, or standing in front of casting directors who told you what kind of person you looked like.

After putting herself through over a decade of obsessive, chronic, miserable dieting and bingeing, her own deep misery and dysfunction led her to investigate, research, and create another way: The Fuck It Diet. Caroline hosts a podcast on her approach to food and teaches online courses in intuitive eating and self-acceptance. This is her first book.


The F*ck It Diet

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