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Dumb. Let a certain number of the actors be seated in a row, when the door opens, or the curtain is drawn aside; let them remain perfectly silent for two moments, then let them silently rise and walk out of the room. Or as they sit silent, some actor can come in and ask questions to each, receiving only a vacant stare in answer; he then can rush out of the room, calling them a stupid set; it would be too plain to call them dumb.

Found. This can be made very amusing by arranging a court scene, judge, jury, and lawyers, and a prisoner’s box, in which an actor, dressed as a servant-girl, can be seated as the criminal accused of stealing a pocket-book. Witnesses can be examined. After the court has gone over the case, and the lawyers make as much sport as possible in their examination, a boy, dressed as a ragged Irish boy, should rush in, pocket-book in hand, calling on the judge to hear him. After ordering him to be turned out, and much talk being made about turning him out, at last, in a broken Irish voice, he must scream out, “Plaase yer honor, it’s me that found it,” holding aloft the pocket-book. The judge must request to see the pocket-book. (A young boy once acting this part, caused much laughter, by exclaiming, “Och, and indade is the court honest?”) The judge having examined the pocket-book, declares the girl innocent, and dismisses the court.

Dumbfound. The room should be partially darkened, and some of the actors seated around the room talking as they please. One of the actors can be dressed as a ghost. A giant ghost acted by dressing up an umbrella, or a broom, arranging it with long white drapery of sheets, and the person carrying it can raise the dressed-up umbrella or broom as they enter the room. The ghost can glide slowly around the room; its occupants should exhibit silent horror, either by crouching down, contortions of the face, or in any way possible, but not a sound should be uttered.

Home Arts for Old and Young

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