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Safe. An actor takes the part of a distracted mother, rushes around the room exclaiming, “My child is lost!” “He must be drowned!” &c. Soon one of the actors can rush in with a child, exclaiming, “Madam, your child is safe, but I found him in a little boat, floating out to sea;” other actors can rush in, all talking at once, some scolding the child, others rejoicing he is safe.

Bind. The one acting the part of mother can be seated with her work in her hands, and in her basket some rolls of old cotton. Three children can come in crying, one with a cut head (take some red paint, and make a splash on the forehead to represent blood), exclaiming, “O, dear, I’m killed, I know.” The other, limping and crying, “O, my foot is broken! O, dear! O, dear!” The other complaining of her hand, all talking at once. The mother must order them to talk one at a time, and she will bind up their wounds. Then she can take her rolls of cotton and bind up the injured parts.

Safe. The mother and children can be seated talking, when a knock comes at the door. One child opens the door and admits a pedler; after showing some trifles, he declares he has some wonderful money safes, and exhibits some boxes, and expatiates on the virtues of his safes. The mother can purchase one for each child.

Find. The same mother can be seated as usual, when the children must come running in, telling that one of their number has lost his safe. They all hunt for it, and look everywhere to find it, to no purpose.

Safe bind, safe find. The scene opens with a little girl tied into a chair, reading a book. The mother must come in arrayed for the street. On entering, she must exclaim, “I am thankful I have at last found a way to keep my child from being lost.” Then she must turn to the audience, and ask them if they can tell her the proverb. If they cannot guess, she must ask if she shall tell them. Sometimes the audience require time to talk it over before they are willing to own they cannot guess it.

One example will sufficiently illustrate the manner proverbs are acted. We will now give a list of some proverbs adapted for action.

 Ill weeds grow apace.

 Little pitchers have large ears.

 Fine feathers make fine birds.

 Union is strength.

 Time unveils truth.

 Black cats have black kittens.

 Necessity is the mother of invention.

 All is not gold that glitters.

 Slow and sure.

Home Arts for Old and Young

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