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“L’amont” can be acted well in pantomime by representing an old deaf man, and his young wife; the old man with spectacles on nose, sitting in a large chair, reading the newspaper, his young wife standing behind the chair. A low tap is heard at the door. She starts and listens; the door opens slyly and discovers a young man. She starts with delight, but points to the old man, motioning the young man to go. He makes gestures of despair; then appears to have a sudden thought, bows, and retires. Soon a loud knock is heard; she goes to the door, and returns with a letter, giving it to the old man; he reads, shakes his head, and hands it to her; she looks at it, runs for his hat and coat, and motions him to go. He leaves at one door, while L’Aman enters at another. Then they act a lover-like scene, and the curtain drops.

Table. She again appears with sleeves rolled up, apron on, rolling-pin in hand, making cakes, the young lover standing by, and now and then eating one of the cakes. They hear a heavy step, and the lover runs for a hiding-place. At last he springs under the table, and she pulls a table cloth down around it, and goes on rolling cakes. In comes the old man, hobbling along. He looks around and suspects something, and begins a strict search. Thus ends that scene.

Lamentable. The same actors appear, but the table is turned over, and, behold! the old man has seized the young lover, and is brandishing aloft a heavy cane, while the young wife appears, weeping bitterly.

The following words are easy to be acted:—



















Home Arts for Old and Young

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