Читать книгу Terrace Legends - The Most Terrifying And Frightening Book Ever Written About Soccer Violence - Cass Pennant - Страница 77



I’d been on the trail of a Sheffield United face for nearly a year. After many meets, driving many miles, and going up more cul-de-sacs than a milkman, I finally found who I was looking for.

I’d been to see Sheffield United play Liverpool and missed Steve. Then I thought I might have bumped into him at a benefit night for big local face Lester Divers, who was tragically murdered, but yet again we managed to miss one another. Finally it was my mate, Shaun, a Rotherham Blade, who made the connection, and at last I got to meet Steve Cowens, author of the Blades Business Crew.

The meet with Steve was in a picture-postcard country setting – not somewhere you’d expect someone involved in the hoolie scene to live. Steve turned out to be very sincere and was very passionate about his team. He and a couple of his mates were great company. Steve has another book coming out later in 2003, called Business as Usual, which he wrote in fond memory of the late Lester Divers: ‘The finest boy ever to grace Bramall Lane. Gone but not forgotten.’ God bless ya, mate. Here Steve tells me about his life with the BBC.

Terrace Legends - The Most Terrifying And Frightening Book Ever Written About Soccer Violence

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