Читать книгу Terrace Legends - The Most Terrifying And Frightening Book Ever Written About Soccer Violence - Cass Pennant - Страница 78



I was born in June 1964. In the early ’80s firms up and down the country started to give themselves a name. Around twelve of us had a meeting on London Road to discuss what name we should give ourselves. Blades Firm Force, Bulldog Blades and H-Block Hooligans were all ideas, but then a lad from Anston came up with Blades Business Crew – BBC for short. The name had a good ring to it and was adopted. Calling cards were made with ‘Congratulations, you have just been tuned in by the BBC’ on them. At the time I was a salesman for a timber merchant. I currently hold a job as a supervisor at a tool company in Sheffield, my hometown.

Terrace Legends - The Most Terrifying And Frightening Book Ever Written About Soccer Violence

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