Читать книгу Terrace Legends - The Most Terrifying And Frightening Book Ever Written About Soccer Violence - Cass Pennant - Страница 81



Going to Wembley to see England v Scotland in 1983/4. The Jocks used to take over Wembley, so me and two mates went down to defend England’s pride. On the way to the ground all the Jocks were singing ‘Spot the looney’ at me as I walked up Wembley Way in my (this time we’ll get it right) England shirt. One took a slug at me when I told him to fuck off. I couldn’t do fuck all as the sweaties [sweaty sock, ie Jock] were all over the gaff. I thought we were going to get mullered, but once in the ground we were pleasantly surprised to be mixed in with a load of Chelsea and West Ham that were on one. We were at the Tunnel End and it kicked off, the Jocks got battered and it was the beginning of the end for the skirt-wearing ginger nuts. To be fair to the sweaties, on the way home I had a flat tyre and, like a cunt, I had no car jack. I limped my Morris Marina into the services and a van full of Jocks lifted the car up and changed the wheel for me, bless ’em.

Terrace Legends - The Most Terrifying And Frightening Book Ever Written About Soccer Violence

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