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1 Corinthians 7:29–31


January 11


Christians are pilgrims in that they are on a journey of faith leading to on-going growth in Christ. But there are also other journeys that they are called to make in the service to others.

Traditionally, the pilgrim status of the Christian has been cast in terms similar to that articulated by Thomas à Kempis. He writes, “Live as

a pilgrim and a stranger on earth, unconcerned about the world’s cares, and keep your heart free and raised to God, for this earth of ours is no lasting city.”11 Here pilgrimage has to do with our journey towards heaven.

There are also other pilgrim journeys we are called to make. One is the literal one where Christians go on a faith and prayer pilgrimage to a spiritual site. Another is when Christians take time out of their regular routines in order to deepen their prayer life. Thus, a retreat is a form of pilgrimage.

Furthermore, women and men of faith in relocating for the sake of mission and ministry practice a form of pilgrimage. They have heard the call to leave and go into service for the kingdom of God. They become

pilgrims in another culture.

But finally and most profoundly, the call to be a pilgrim is to live in Christ through the Spirit in counter-cultural ways. In step with the

kingdom of God one is out of step with the dominant values of our world. Thus, one is always a pilgrim, even though one remains right where one lives and works.


The life of a pilgrim marks one for conversion, movement, resistance, and suffering.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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