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Galatians 6:14


January 16

A Different Way

Christ’s way was out of step with both the religious leaders and politicians of his day. The follower of Christ should share a similar fate. In step with Christ means to be out of step with the world’s agenda and priorities.

In his Rule, St. Benedict writes: “Your way of acting should be different from the world’s way; the love of Christ must come before all else.”16

The challenge of this church father is that when we live and serve in and through the love of Christ our way of being and acting in the world will have qualities that should make us different from the dominant values of contemporary culture. Christ’s way disconnects us from what is, but reconnects us to the world as prophet and healer.

A number of things stand out as to what that may look like when we seek to go Christ’s way.

The first is that Jesus was not driven by a self-seeking agenda. He sought only to do the will of God. Second, Jesus was not driven by a

societal agenda but a reformist one. He sought to bring in the reign of God. Third, Jesus was not committed to the rule of law but the power of love. Restoration, healing, and the renewal of persons and communities was his great mission.

Finally, Jesus was willing to pay the price for the outworking of his vision and love. He gave himself to voluntary suffering. Clearly, if we seek to live Christ’s way in the world these are the challenges we also need to face.


The way of Christ in the world is different than the way of religion. The latter has often sought to dominate, but Christ came to serve and renew.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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