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Ephesians 3:1–6


February 2

A Way to Christ

One may know about Christ, but to know Christ by way of revelation and encounter can occur in strange and

wonderful ways, both in the sanctuary and in the street. In the final analysis, we need an existential encounter with Christ.

To experience the presence of Christ in the Spirit can occur anywhere and at any time. Both in the place of prayer and at work Christ may make

himself known. This encounter may confront us in our sin or in our goodness, but is always an invitation to forgiveness and homecoming.

This revelatory experience or encounter can come in a flash. It can also come through long seeking and searching. It may come at the end of one’s life.

Clement of Alexandria believed that things in the ordinary world can point us to Christ. He writes: “philosophy was a ‘schoolmaster’ to bring the Greek mind to Christ, as the Law brought the Hebrews.”33

To this we may add that the grappling scientist, the inspired artist, the searching philosopher, and the committed medical specialist in the midst of their work may be led stumblingly to Christ. So may the farmer and the factory worker. In the midst of the ordinary the light of Christ may break in. Christ dances in many ways to draw us into relationship with him.

Anything in the world of human experience and endeavor and dreams and aspirations may be a trigger to a spiritual search that leads to an encounter with the Christ of the gospel.


While the church seeks to mediate Christ in particular ways, Christ may throw open doors and windows and come in any way to the seeking heart.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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