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Acts 2:44–46


January 19

Christian Community

Throughout much of the history of the Christian church, Christians have sought to live their faith with a great level of intentionality. As such, they have created communities alongside of and in relation to the parish church.

The Didache, a first or second century early church teaching manual, states: “Do not turn your back on the needy, but share everything with your brother and call nothing your own. For if you have what is eternal in common, how much more should you have [in common] what is transient.”19

This articulation of a life of common sharing goes back to the

common purse community of Jesus and his disciples, the example of the Jerusalem church, and the emphasis in the Pauline house churches of the call to care for one another in practical ways.

This vision of a common life in Christ has been lived out throughout the ages and poses a particular challenge to the contemporary Western church with its consumer Christianity where little commitment is made to have and share a life together.

The church and intentional communities are to reflect the life of the Trinity and as such call Christians, not only into participating in

worship, teaching, and sacraments, but also in sharing time, resources, and possessions.

A shared common life in Christ is key to both our personal formation in the way of Christ and in our witness to the world. And such a life may well help us minimize our exploitation of the earth’s fragile resources.


Community in and through Christ, which practices hospitality, can

become a window for others into the heart of the gospel.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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