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John 12:26


January 26

The Imitatio Christi

The Christian life has to do with beliefs, worship, prayers, community, and service. But the very heart of a life of faith is following Christ’s way in the world. The way Christ lived and acted is the example that we are called to follow.

Christians have not always followed Christ’s way in the world. There has been violence instead of peacemaking; controversy instead of reconciliation; division instead of cooperation; legalism instead of grace; condemnation rather than welcome. The list goes on.

What this highlights, however, is that Christ will always continue to challenge us in the way we think, live, and act. To live the way Christ lived will be a lifelong challenge and process for us.

Gregory of Nyssa reminds us that “those who have an equal zeal for the good must thoroughly imitate and follow the pioneer of our salvation, and must put into practice what he has shown them.”26

Christian zeal must be patterned on Christ. We must not live our own agenda seeking God’s blessing. Instead, we must humbly seek to do only God’s will and way.

This calls us to ongoing conversion and repentance, for the way of Christ is a way that is so different to our natural inclinations. Thus, the imitatio Christi is grace we must receive through the Spirit, so we can live this grace in joy and faithfulness.


The way of Christ calls us to the way of peace-making, self-giving, and suffering.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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