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Psalm 19:1


January 31

In Praise of Seeing

There are three books in the Christian tradition: the book of nature, the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, and the Word of God—Holy Scripture. All need to be read. And all point in the one direction.

Life is about being, seeing and acting. What we see flows from who we are and this shapes our engagement with others and the world.

There are many ways of seeing and there is much to see. Seeing can be internal and reflective and external and evaluative. But amongst the many ways of seeing there is also appreciative seeing. It is seeing as feasting. Seeing as celebration. Seeing with the eyes of faith and love.

The theologian Bonaventure, reflecting a Franciscan spirituality, writes “open your eyes, alert the ears of your spirit, open your lips and apply your heart so that in all creatures you may see, hear, praise, love and worship, glorify and honor your God.”31

To see beauty in nature is to see the generous hand of God, is to see the great heart of God, is to see God as artist as well as sustainer. And

seeing thus we are to bestow dignity and care on all that has been made, for in all we see the traces of God’s hand of love.

And in seeing Christ we see the source of our healing and purpose, while in Scripture we discover the heart of God, and God’s way for us to live life to his glory and the blessing of others.

These many ways of seeing can give us a life of joy, a heart of purpose, and a way of being in the world that makes for forgiveness, healing, and shalom.


With a contemplative spirit we can see and celebrate and act in healing ways.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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